Happy zombie-Jesus day everyone! And Easter as well if you celebrate that. I hope you all have a good time with your respective families, and that your parents still get you jelly beans and shit. Because let’s face it, jelly beans are awesome no matter how old you are, even if you have to hunt down little plastic eggs to amuse your parents. Everybody wins!
Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.
Praise Raptor Jesus for he has risen!
Did those people with the zombie manger have any special decorations?
I wanted to see if they had gotten any new easter eggs hanging from trees. But its just the same old tree. the lower half has sad looking egg corpses, long beyond looking even “sun bleached”. I half expected to see rabbit ears on the zombies in the manger, but that scene went unmolested…. just as it has for 2 years now.