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What the doctor ordered

Yesterday I went in to see the dermatologist that’s been keeping tabs on me since friday. I think I’m a pet project of his since I’m more interesting than the normal grade of skin issues. He said I looked to be bouncing back from everything much faster than he expected, so he backed off on one of my perscriptions. He also perscribed an even longer course of antibiotics though, just to make sure the strep was dead. I whined about this a little since antibiotics tend to make me smell funny. He asked me if I’d rather smell a little off for a few weeks or have another outbreak. Before I could answer the obvious he holds up a finger and starts writing on a perscription pad, “I have just the thing” he said. He tore off the pad and handed it to me… all it said was “axe body spray”. Sometimes I miss the ridiculously obvious.

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.

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  1. July 23rd, 2008 at 17:09 | #1

    Sounds like my doc…he makes fun of me regularly.

    Glad to hear things are getting better!

  2. July 24th, 2008 at 00:02 | #2

    the icon is for virus and plagues of all sorts

    very glad to hear you are recovering swiftly and fully. make sure that shit is DEAD. oblivionated. expunged. CLEANSE! CLEANSE!

  3. July 24th, 2008 at 14:09 | #3

    Yuo’re a boy, therefore you smell funny by default. I’m not sure that antibiotics make a difference. In fact, wait, maybe they take AWAY the smell, and therefore you notice an ABSENCE of BOY ODOR! BAHAHHAHAHAA!

    And yes, antibiotics are bad, but I guess you sometimes have to take them. I have a sinus thing that WILL NOT GO AWAY, so I have been on 2 diff. types lately.

    A chiropractor pal thinks I just need to fix a bunch of things with my stomach/digestion in order to fix everything else.

    • July 24th, 2008 at 14:45 | #4

      Antibiotics tend to make me smell funny in general. the last couple times I was on penicillin I got a couple comments from people I hang around with. this time I’m on clarithromycin, and apparently it’s a little funkier still. I looked up on it and I dont think it’s a normal reaction, but it seems like it happens consistantly when I start on antibiotics.

      That sinus thing has been bugging you for like 21984275098437 years now hasn’t it? I wonder if having the cat around is aggravating it due to your allergies making things inflamed.

  4. September 15th, 2008 at 23:24 | #5

    I think you smell nice intrinsically and don’t need axe body spray

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