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DDo$, it’s genius

May 13th, 2009 1 comment

I dont normally paste whole articles, but this one is pretty short. and pretty awesome. Sourced from

Well I have to admit that this is genius. The guys from the Pirate Bay have a a 30million SEK fine which they say they won’t pay. However they have come up with a plan where all their users can join in which works like this.

Everyone sends a small amount of money in an electronic transfer to the law firm that represnted the music industry. Suggested amount is 1 SEK (equivalent to 0.13 USD. Apparently the law firm’s bank account is only allowed 1000 electronic transactions before it starts to cost them, the account holder money.

The charge per transfer at this point is, wait for it… 2 SEK. Thus after the first 1000 SEK, if people send just 1 SEK it will cost the law firm more than the money they receive to process.

Welcome to the Distributed Denial of Dollars attack (DDo$)

I’m going to stay on the fence about the legality of pirate bay and all that. But I’m firm in my contempt for how the big music and movie groups conduct themselves.

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I can’t stop loving bacon

May 8th, 2009 3 comments

… Just sayin’

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.

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There’s no place like… Allston?

May 7th, 2009 5 comments

So I’ve finished moving. I’m right on Comm Ave in Allston now. My commute is a hair longer, but much less complicated. I can technically take a right onto comm ave and just keep going till I get to work… the pike is a little faster though. The place is tiny, but I don’t really notice too much (unless I’m cooking). We’re only here for a few months till we move again in September. We’re headed to a gorgeous place in east Boston. It reminds me a lot of the place I used to live with Dan in Marlborough. Heat and AC are included which is pretty awesome if you’re like me and you don’t want to skimp on being comfortable. It has a pool and a huge fitness center, so I can cancel my gym membership. And parking is (finally) included. Our room is huge… we have our own bathroom and walk-in closet. It’s on the 6th floor, so we get sweet views of the city. Really looking forward to this place. Normally I’d be freaking out at how small my current place is, but my head isn’t in it.

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.

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Hide your corn

April 27th, 2009 2 comments

Found this random bit of awesome on the internet.

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.

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Bringing it all together

April 20th, 2009 No comments

Stumbled on this a little earlier. At first it just looked like some kind of vintage computer book. I like those just from the standpoint of seeing what people back in the day thought stuff would be like now. Then I actually started reading it, and it’s been edited a little. It gets funnier as the pages go on. Content behind the cut.

Read more…

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At least he wasn’t speeding

April 17th, 2009 2 comments

From link below:

“PFLUGERVILLE, Texas – A Pflugerville man is arrested for driving home a piece of construction equipment, police say while intoxicated. FOX 7 News first reported this in October, now Pflugerville Police are releasing the video.”

Full story (with video): Clicky

A steam roller would have been bad enough, this thing looks more like a road crushing juggernaut. I realize it doesn’t go fast, but can you imagine what would happen if a person or car got in the way of that death machine and he didn’t notice or stop?

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.

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Omg gossip

April 15th, 2009 2 comments

Heard about this earlier today and finally got myself to check it out. Normally I don’t touch celebrity gossip, but this sounded funny. Apparently Lindsey Lohan made a spoof eharmony profile video for giggles. She may be batshit crazy and a train wreck of a human, but at least she can laugh at herself.

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.

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Booty is booty

April 9th, 2009 3 comments

Saw this the other day on TV. Yes, it’s a legit commercial. I’d completely forgotten about it, but a coworker passed the link around the NOC. I think it might be a bit much for kids, but then I’ve only seen it aired late-ish on TV. It’s pretty awesome, especially if you’re ancient like me and you remember the original vid when it came out. Funny how controversial for one generation is commercial stock for another.

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.

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Breakfast of Kings

April 9th, 2009 5 comments

Due to a combination of taunts and dares, my breakfast turned out to be…

That’s right. a poptart and brownie sandwich. Clicky for a full force pic of it. It was a little messier than I’d planned on, but totally worth it. Also, fuck you Korey.

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.

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I guess she didn’t love his nuts

March 30th, 2009 3 comments

I normally could give two craps about celebrity news. But this guy isn’t really a celebrity per se, and he’s so shady that I can’t help myself. The “shamwow guy”, aka Vince Shlomi, airs commercials that reek so badly of scam that you feel the need to take a shower after watching them. Dry off with a regular towel though, kids… You’d probably catch something if you actually used a ShamWoW. Latest news on this lovable fellow is that apparently he’s been arrested for punching a prostitute in the face. Classy.

“Police reports obtained by the site claim that Shlomi met 26-year-old prostitute Lenea Harris at a Miami nightclub, and subsequently brought her back to his room at Setai Hotel. Shlomi allegedly paid Harris $1,000 for “straight sex.”

That’s went things took a turn.

Shlomi told police “that he kissed [Harris] when all of a sudden [Harris] bit his tongue and would not let go,” according to the report.

Shlomi then punched Harris several times until she released his tongue…”

Full article: Clicky

For your viewing pleasure:

Click for full sized and obviously NWS image:

Shamwow and Slap-Chop ads:

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.