If anyone out there in internets-land knows how to set up SNMP (pref on BSD but it doesn’t matter. I can adapt), let me know. SNMP is pretty strong voodoo and I’d like to get to know it better. Mostly for my own purposes, but we use it at work too. I’m going at it typical trial-by-fire style as typical for me… But a few pointers make it much faster. So yeah, if you have any mote of SNMP knowledge, lemme know.
UPDATE: Ok, apparently my mojo is stronger than I though. Success behind the cut.
Baby's first MIB
I’ve decided I’m left-handed. My left hand is the dominant one on the keyboard, and tends to be more dexterous. Being right-handed is usually defined by which hand one writes with as far as I can tell, and it’s a very rare occasion that I physically hold a pen to a piece of paper. And seriously… if you saw my handwriting, you’d know how little my right hand holds over my left in that respect. If handedness is determined by some other criteria, please call me a dumb-dumb-head let me know.
So since my left hand is dominant during the majority of the time spent working with my hands, I’ve gone ahead and decided I’m left-handed.
On the menu at work-
Breakfast Special:
Smoked salmon omelet with herbed cream cheese and toast
What the FUCK? Don’t get me wrong, I like smoked salmon… but in an omelet? They must have run out of repulsive meal ideas and had to open up “the forbidden chapter” in their cookbooks.
In an effort to learn more about Packet Filter logging on Pipboy (my firewall), as well as basic html stuff, I threw this page together:

The graphs are from pfstat
, credit to Daniel at benzedrine.cx whose pfstat.conf
I pretty much copied straight up from his page on the subject and modified for my use. But that’s pretty much how I learn… I take something that works (if available) and mess with it till I can make sense of it. Then I can manage to craft something of my own.
Yeah… I know it’s not very exciting, and to non-nerds it’s just a big wad of “yeah, and?”. But I’ve wanted historical data in some marginally human-readable format for a while and I like documenting new, however trivial, things in my el-jay.
EDIT – I’ve already fiddled a little. The file Daniel had reported 24 hour data sets which isn’t as useful on a relatively low traffic device like mine (it ends up being a forest of discrete spikes). So I edited the config file to make it do 4 hour graphs to use as the main display on the page, and allow the user to click on the graphs for a 24h display. sexy, yes?
For any of you who have jokingly said “but where’s the “any” key?” when prompted to strike any key by a program….
Not even kidding
For some people, it’s not a joke. They need to make a key labeled “any” on the keyboard, and put a small glass vial of cyanide under the key instead of the normal hardware. That should fix the issue.
Gem of the week:
This is a source of infinite entertainment. Careful though, messages are often NSFW. Basically:
– Dude got LED sign.
– Dude sets up LED sign in computer room in basement.
– Dude allows internets to post anonymous arbitrary messages on the sign unmoderated
– Dude has a camera taking snapshots updated in real time.
Check it out if you’re bored. everyone at work was playing with this the other day, abusing the crap out of the anonymous aspect of it. Tons of fun to mess with eachother.
Watching this season of The Sopranos is like watching bad reality TV. It is made of fail.
For those who don’t know yet, I’ve been rocking this site for a while now. It’s good lovin. It’s changed hands a few times but has been stable at this URL for a while.
^^^^^^ go there. thank me later.
Current headline on CNN at work:
“Florida workers stung by bees”
There’s a helicopter providing coverage. Of the workers. Who were stung by bees.
The TV is muted now since it’s been a busy day, and maybe there’s more to this story than the headline suggests. Perhaps the bees are alien robot pirate ninja bees, and they shoot missiles from their asses. Maybe I’m missing the big picture. Workers. Stung by bees. That’s what CNN is reporting on.
I imagine this is much what it would look like if one’s lower torso were to explode.
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