So that Anna Nicole Smith chick died. And now I get to see her ugly grill on CNN. All day. Some chick died, sure. It’s a tragedy I’m sure. But lots of people die every day. Get this one off the headlines please. I’d rather hear about all the snow in upstate New York.
THIS JUST IN: The autopsy has started!!! Oh God, finally… soon my concerns can be put to rest.
877-288-3499 is a number we commonly call for AT&T to check on ticket status and whatnot.
800-288-3499 is a common typo in our tickets. This number is not in fact AT&T but is a phonesex line.
just fyi.
I’m think I heard somewhere that Turner Broadcasting will have to pay something like $500k for this whole aquateen thing. looks like their ad campaign worked. how much do you suppose it would cost to get ads running continuously all day on CNN, as well as every major news channel in MA/new england? yeah.
I remembered this as well, and posted in ‘s LJ… it’s not as if this sort of thing is without precedent either. “LED tagging/graffiti” has been around for a while.
^^^^ this is exactly what those guys did.
also, stolen from :

In honor of the massive snowstorm we had last night (almost 1/2 inch!!), I wanted to comment on snow tires.
or at least have good all-season tires with a lot of tread left. after even marginal wear, all-seasons quickly become no-seasons. this does not mean “just above the wear bars”. People drive on crap tires and then complain their cars are “no good in the snow”…
as a car guy I notice tires when I walk by cars, just as a matter of reflex. in the row of 12 or so cars I was parked with yesterday, only one had snow tires. and 2 of the remaining had all-season tires with adequate tread depth. one car had tires worn to the cords, and the rest grossly inadequate tread. like 3/10 to 5/10 left. how these people escape death when snow falls is beyond my comprehension. maybe there’s something to religion after all.
how can you even…
you can’t tell right away, but this is a hill. apparently of decent grade. That first guy is nuts.
“Cisco to sue Apple over iPhone”
Apparently Cisco has owned rights to the product name “iphone” for a decade or so. if Apple thinks they have a shot at Cisco they are loopy. It’s not like it was a devious move by Cisco, the name was logical for them to take for their IP Telephone devices. And it was take back before the ipod was around or any of the other Apple i-stuff.
The court case would go something like:
Apple: “We believe we should be abl…”
Cisco: “Cisco SMASH”
Apple: (dies)
For those who don’t know, Cisco is a massive company. The internet pretty much lives on Cisco devices.
So Army of Darkness comes on at work, and I’m all “hells yeah”. and all 3 of my coworkers (all some flavor of nerd or another) are all like “wtf mate?”… none of them have ever heard of Bruce Campbell or Army of Darkness. right around the scene where the chainsaw lands perfectly on his armstump, they’re all “wtf this is so stupid, what’s a chainsaw doing back then anyways?!” I tried to explain that the movie should probably not be taken seriously, but my efforts are mostly in vain I think.
Uncultured, the lot of them!
erica: ROFLMAO
erica: that is the best article evarr
iggdawg: explains a lot of what I see on the road
iggdawg: although you’d think the DMV workers would be a more lively bunch
iggdawg: because clearly they are getting a LOT of stripshows…
erica: hahaha
erica: yup
Erica got me a DVD burner for xmas (thanks honey!! <3), and I was playing with it yesterday. I wasn't expecting it to be as easy as it was to copy movies. I got my Mother the Profit TV series DVD set. It was one of our favorites for the 4 whole episodes that made it to air. Got canceled for being “too dark”. Anyways, since I got the burner she lent the set to me to see if I could make myself a copy of it. I was worried by the “copy protected” log on the box at first. Copy utilities have come a long way since I got my first burner and was trying to copy games. I fired up dvdshrink, ripped an ISO, and later burninated it onto a blank DVD. No special cracks or anything. one shot rip and burn. I tossed it in the DVD player downstairs and it worked perfectly. gogo DVDShrink.
Very pleased with this gift. I think I’ll get a lot of use out of it.
PS – I reccommend the Profit series to anyone who likes “villain as the star” type serieseseses. Brian, you would love it.
(someone mentions the word “shotgun” for some reason)
Fred – that word has been forever ruined for me
Me – what, shotgun?
Fred – yes
Me – why?
Fred – brazilian fart porn
Me – …
He explained it, but I tuned most of it out for obvious reasons. The amount and magnitude of freaky shit on the internet continues to amaze me. As does the amount of it that I learn about through work.
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