mmm… cellulose
I was licking tissues the other day, and the antiviral ones taste AWFUL. I recommend sticking to regular tissues for licking.
I was licking tissues the other day, and the antiviral ones taste AWFUL. I recommend sticking to regular tissues for licking.
You know what’s pretty cool? getting ripped off on eBay.
Only one thing tastes like bacon and that’s… humans?
Headline: Robot identifies human flesh as Bacon
First comment on the page: “At least we don’t taste like chicken”
This is promising:
British and American scientists have restored vision in blind mice by transplanting light-sensitive cells into their eyes in a breakthrough that could lead to new treatments of human eye diseases.
So I went to TGIFriday’s with lordbrand on sunday when he came to visit. I ordered a “cheesy burger” thinking that was their cheeseburger-like menu item. it was a little more than I expected. I was served a cheeseburger-like stack of items with a curious thing on top. it looked like a hashbrown at first. Brian and I questioned the intentions of this item, who rudely sat atop my cheesyburger. It turned out that it was a patty of fried cheese. sitting atop the chesse on the cheesyburger. Don’t get me wrong… I like cheese… but this was a bit much. I carefully extracted the dubious item from my otherwise normal burger and went along eating.
a patty… of fried cheese… on a burger.. who thought this was a good idea O_o?
I can use my arms again! I’d like to note that when starting up a workout routine or stepping from a mild one to a heavier one, it’s not really a good idea to work your muscles to failure on the first day. This is common sense to most people, but I’m a boy and thusly I do stupid things. I worked my biceps to failure a couple times over on friday. By sunday I couldn’t extend my arms to full length without serious pain. the muscles literally felt like they were going to snap. they felt better by yesterday and today I could genuinely use them. woot.
That’s my story.
So I got this laptop. A while back my mother told me that my grandmother was having issues with her laptop. Specifically, there was something “wonky” with the power jack, and it would die from time to time. I hear this and immediately think to myself “2 dots of solder and this thing will be a-ok”. Before I can offer any sage-like advice, she mentions that my grandmother has already purchased a new device and wants to pitch the old one. She offers it to me, and I think “hey great… It’s probably some brick of a Pentium2 or Pentium 3 that I can replace the venerable Pipboy firewall with”. I’d been looking for a lower power solution for a while. Score.
So I go to pick it up yesterday and the thing is huge, first of all. by laptop standards anyways. Then I read the power supply… 19V at 4.74 amps… The thing draws 90 watts. That’s more than a “brick” of a laptop should draw. I boot it up, and check the system… It’s a Pentium 4 running at 2.5Ghz with 512 megs of ram, and some nVidia card in it to boot. Ok. Not a brick. This thing is faster than my “main” box at home. Score.
I wiped windows and put Ubuntu linux on it. I’m really not a linux fan (I’m a BSD guy for sure), but I really should know linux for work. So this is a great opportunity. So far it’s pretty cool. a little cumbersome and far too “windows-like” in many respects. not sure how long I’ll keep it in here, but there are some things I want to play with.
that’s all I got.
odd… if you do a google image search for “slutmonkey”, like half the images are from wedding pictures. and the other half are dodge chargers.
don’t ask why I was GIS’ing for “slutmonkey”. It came up at work.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks Kim Jong-Il seems to declare war at anything that moves…
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