In other news, good luck to all my friends in Florida. Look slike Ivan is set to make landfall on Monday or Tuesday. Last thing FL needs is another hurricaine. Us New Englandahs like to bitch about the weather, but in all honesty I’ll take a nor’easter over a hurricaine any day.
There’s a very different feel to the atmosphere just before a big snowfall. It’s an almost dire feel. A sort of deadly stillness fills everything. The trees sit stationary, but but look almost like they’re shivering imperceptibly… as if perhaps you looked a little closer you could see it. It’s that uneasy “peace before the storm” people always speak of, but before heavy snowfall it’s that sort of assaulting peace that suffocates and penetrates you. It seems like snow could condense from between atoms at any moment. It’s a cool feeling and I look forward to it every year.
I’ve been thinking of it recently because the look of the outside has been like that. There’s a glass door between the lab and my office, and I always check outside to make sure it isn’t raining into my open windows during the summer. Recently it’s had the “about to snow” look. There’s something different about the atmosphere. I think it has to do with all the nastiness that’s been pummeling the south-east of the country… As the storms travel northward we get atypically strong thunderstorms and whatnot. The slight difference in the manner of the storms must trip off my spidey sense somehow. dunno.
Thought I’d ramble a little. It’s been a while since I’ve posted.
I just registered . In a day or 2, you can whois-stalk me! I wanted someplace to host pics and whatnot, and since I have this wonderful end table and nothing to do with it, I decided it was a good time to learn apache and whatnot. For now the domain is parked, but once I have this machine networthy I’ll toss up a simple homepage of some sort along with using it as a host site. It’s cool to have such a monster of a server, even if it is a little dated, but it’d be nice to use it for something more than a network drive.
It’ll buff right out…
“why people suck”, Reason # 3512 – random car damage.
So I was pennypinching last week. I took the CRX into work every day except wednesday to save on gas milage. the 33mpg on 87 octane the CRX gets is a lot cheaper than 20mpg on 93 octane the SVX guzzles. Fine. Dandy. I’m beboppin around havign a great time in my little yellow pseudo-car. I took in the SVX on wedensday because it was supposed to be a scorcher and there’s no AC in the CRX. cool. sweet. so I on thursday evening I bebop out to the SVX to take a cruise in it to the gym. and I think to myself “Gee, there’s a giant fucking gouge in my driver’ side fender”. Outstanding. Delicious.
I finally got my end table to take an install of FreeBSD. I was so psyched when it actually made it through without a kernel panic. So instead of having all my MP3s on one 20gb hard drive in a PC, I have a more or less dedicated 1000 watt, 6 CPU server storing them on a slgihtly larger (26gb) RAID-5 array (4 x 9.1gb hotswap SCSI drives).
Ok, so it’s a *little* bigger than a hard drive and sucks up a *little* more power… but it’s so much cooler! Like most of my geek projects, I did it more “because I can” and so that I can learn things like setting up network file systems and whatnot.
Oh, and I’ll be hooking up my servers with fiberchannel cards too. why, you ask? what kind of question is that?
unintentional industrial
I was at Prity’s place the other day to get some stuff I had left there. Since I don’t have the keys to her apartment anymore I had to stand around outside for a sec after I called her. I was looking around in idle mode for a minute or so and noticed something interesting. the front spot in front of the building is number 242. I had to laugh for a second.
Picked up a digicam yesterday. It’s about damn time I got one. Now, aside from general camwhoring, I can take pics of all the great rice I see on my way to work.
Canon SD110 digital elfphphfff
-3.2 megapixel (more than enough for the average consumer whore)
-SD memory card (bleh, I would have prefered CF)
-takes pics and movies
-other stuff too.
This is quite simply too cool not to post. From Andrew’s blog:
-4 24oz. cans of Budweiser: $10
-1 roll of electrical tape: $2
-Hilton toilet to flush beer down: Free
-2 bottles Abita Turbodog to drink while flushing Budweiser: $5
-Getting 447kbps at -55dBm from a hotel 1/2 mile across New Orleans because your hotel charges too much money for access: Priceless
I’m eating some sort of cheerios. I have no idea what kind they are, and they’re old enough that I don’t remember buying them. They were in one of those airtight tupperware cereal holder thingies. they’re too sweet to be “creting grade” cheerios… they don’t taste like honey nut… and there’s no chunks of foo like on apple cinnamon…
mmmmmmmmmm….. Mystery cheerios…. =ß
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