I am a god.
Just finished rebuilding my transmission. it always feels so good to finish a major project on the car. A lot of the *more seasoned* guys say a tranny rebuild takes them around an hour or 2 and is pretty much cake. that’s nice and all, but it’s my first time doing it so I don’t care that it took me a couple days and many hours. makes the victory feel all the nicer. Took it out for a spin yesterday to put some gas in the tank and wash all the grease off the fenders. I did pretty much the whole job by myself. yanked the engine, took off the tranny, opened the trans case up, took out the gears, replaced the input shaft bearing, and put everything back together. The always useful Seth helped a little. he helped me get the engine back in the car by yelling at me when I was going to crush something with it =P
I took some pics and I’ll put them up later. Looking at them I still can’t believe my car was that far diassembled and yet I drove on it later that day. It’s such a neat feeling to be staring at the the gears inside the transmission in the morning, and be driving the car in the evening. Chalk up one more thing I won’t be afraid to do next time.
Transmission repaired by pros: ~700
used transmission: ~300
Input shaft bearing + DIY repair: ~30
Elbow grease is pretty valuable stuff.
This game is way too addictive. No, it’s not penguin baseball or the “defend your castle” game. jsut check it out.

for when only the most badass spork will do.
yes, I did order one.
My brother just IM’d me from Poland. He got a degree in English, so he obviously had to look outside of the country if he wanted to find a job in his field. It’s the first I’ve heard from him in months. According to my parents, he’s doing really well. He makes more money than a doctor. I guess English teachers are crazy rich over there. relatively speaking. The equivalent 13k/yr is good pay. They asked him how much he makes, and he said “uh… about 6 beers an hour.”
Anyways, he only had enough time to talk for a minute or so. He managed to relate the little tidbit that “The girls over here take it up the back door, then make you a sandwich and get you coffee without being asked.” The kid has enough e-time to say hello and goodbye, and manages to squeeze in that little tidbit. it’s good to know he has a grasp on what really matters =D.
I love IRC logs…
*Casey8* Diana Ross’ husband died
*Tarrier* how
*Casey8* fell while climbing in South Africa or something
*JennAway* that’s sad
*Bubbaprog* i guess there is a mountain high enough
so cold…
1.Go into your LJ’s archives.
2.Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3.Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4.Post the text of the sentence in your LJ along with these instructions
Posted March 22nd, 2002 :
“Dinosaurs who jump out of planes”
So I’ve been toying with FreeBSD. For whatever reason, it’s horribly addictive. I downloaded it about a week ago, and I’ve been spending my evenings tinkering with it. I want to set up a firewall with it to learn about networking and security under FreeBSD. Specifically I’ve been messing with this on application that I really wanted to install… Gnome. It’s a GUI, and a really sexy one at that. I should really be practicing networking instead of dicking around with a GUI, especially since I spend most of my time in the black & white goodness of “console” mode.
The problem is that I get addicted to troubleshooting, and that’s where I do my best learning. “Like fucking hell I’m going to let the machine win!” so I go at it and learn my way to conquering it. it’s how I learned netowking under W2K and XP. So I’ve gone from not knowing how to change directories in this OS that’s 100% alien to me to doing some pretty involved troubleshooting over the course of a week. If I hadn’t slept for 2 hours last night, it would have been the third all-nighter I pulled in the last week… but still, I’m proud of how much I’ve learned.
And the punchline: I knew that it was time to take a break last night when I was talking to this girl I met on emode.com . I’ve been talking to her for about a week now and she’s pretty interesting. We haven’t met up yet since, among other things, my car is in pieces in the garage awaiting parts to fix the transmission. She was offering to come down here and pick me up so we could go on a date. My initial reaction in my head was “no way, I have lots more troubleshooting to do, then I want to set up a firewall.” I took a second to analyze my motivations and found some serious conflicts. Needless to say I’ll be going out tonight, and have sworn not too touch the computer when I get home. at least for 10 minutes or so.
and that’s my story.
I hate writing with a pen/pencil/sharpie/crayon. I hate writing in sharpie and crayon less, but you get the idea. I’d so much rather type. Every time I write a form out by hand at work or whatever, I think of how I could get it done by typing instead. Some stuff has to be done by hand for documentation purposes, but still…
I need to replace my hands with a print head. it would be all MegaMan style, so it’d turn back into a hand for those intimate moments where a print head is less desirable than a normal hand. yeah, that’s all I got.
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