Restoring music through physics:
Apparently they take pictures of records and convert the images into digital music files. Usihng computer magic, they synthesize the path of the needle through the grooves on the record. Then through science magic, they use the same digital image processing to eliminate physical damage to the records as they use to single out the paths of particles in particle detectors. Or something. Blurb next, full article behind linky.
To test their hunch, Fadeyev and Haber turned to a precision optical metrology system used by Berkeley Lab physicists to inspect silicon detectors destined for the upcoming ATLAS experiment, which will search for a theorized but never observed particle called the Higgs Boson. Instead of measuring silicon detectors, however, they programmed the system to map the undulating grooves etched in shellac phonograph discs. The images were then processed to remove scratches and blemishes, and modeled to determine how a stylus courses through the undulations. Lastly, the stylus motion was converted to a digital sound format.
Full article
I still listen to the soundtrack to Mechwarrior 2. Yeah, the one from the mid/late 90’s. It’s sort of a mixture of classical and techno. As odd as it sounds, it works really well. The production quality is amazing for a game of it’s age, or even a current one for that matter. The game was great, but I’ve gotten a lot more time out of the music. It lends itself well to driving late at night, which I do a lot of.
Just like the title says, the guy in this thread was lucky enough to give a complete psycho his number. there’s a very brief story, and dozens of recordings of crazy messages this chick has left on his machine. She just randomly calls him and complains about this or that. and yeah, she’s completely nuts. It’s like she’s using his answering machine as a LJ account.
I spent all night learning BSD for no good reason. Other than perhaps that I didn’t know it yet. I guess I tend to get engrossed in something when I’m learning it for the first time. Who needs sleep when you have beer, coffee, and a little red devil? Besides… all-nighters are healthy. keeps your body on your toes. yeah. that’t it…
EDIT – ok… I’ve been at this too long. I just typed “cd ..” into the URL box instead of hitting backspace to go back on page. wow.
This showed up today in OT:

props to rogue on the club. not sure where he got it.
My rig had a *minor faliure* this afternoon. I was playing C&C or something, and I heard this crazy noise coming from one of my RAID drives. then I see a spark throuigh my BlingWindow(tm) coming from the vacinity of my hard drive bank. screen goes black. I get this terrible feedback through the speakers. I shut down the computer, and as the fans were spinning down I heard the feedback noise get lower in pitch, so I figured the noise must have been from one of the fans being fried or something. Smoke comes out of the top of the computer from the power supply area. I says to myself “Oh damn.”
The rest
Happy easter to everyone in LJ-land. Happy weekend to all those of you who aren’t religious. That’s all I got. Enjoy the day. Or else viking kitties will eat you in your sleep.
Indexing a list of links to rally music videos for myself. Anyone who hasn’t seen rally racing before, and is interested in this crap I keep spouting off about, DL a vid or 2. Britan and Sweeden are 2 good ones. Everyone else can ignore the cut.
I’m bringing home the analysis software for the acoustic microscope today. I have a report to work on at home tomorrow (“day off”), and I need to be able to manipulate the images I have and play with a small amount of data that I took. Let me describe what a “small amount” of data is… words behind cut to spare those who could care less.
Those of you that play with/produce music might be able to appreciate this on some level if you deal with waveforms.
Dear IggDawg’s boss,
I spent a 2 days collecting and interpreiting the data for a project I did last week. You reviewed the data because peer review is required. You spent 10 minutes glossing over the results, and you wrote down the changes you wanted me to make to my text. The implication is that your edits are well warranted since you have more experience. I admit I should have checked your notes against my data, but I made changes to my report based on your authority without checking. In one very important section, you wrote a part number wrong and forgot to write down another one. the result of this is that a good part was indicated as bad, and two bad parts weren’t indicated at all.
It displeases me that you made these errors, since my text was fine in the first place. Your “streamlining” was unneccecary. It displeases me further that when the client called out these mistakes, you deferred them to me… you implied the data and report were my product entirely. I had to flounder, coming up with reasons for the discrepancies. The client was satisfied when I was done with them but I am not at all amused that I was put in that position.
I assert that I hate your soul, and kindly request that you fuck off and die.
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