“who will you be stuck with” meme behind cut.
Few things are as enjoyable as finding out the ATM gave you an extra 20-spot.
Curses!!! Damn those farmers and their unholy time magic! Once again, I have had an hour of my day stolen from me by dead farmers. It’s beyond me why we still have daylight savings time. It’s not all bad… it gives me something to complain about. and an excuse to get into work an hour late tomorrow.
In other news: Homeworld 2 continues to be one of the most visually stunning games I’ve ever played. The graphics and sound are amazing. I liked the combat system in the first one better, but it’s still good in this one. Too “Streamlined” for my taste. I don’t say this often, but the graphics make up for any shortcomings the game has (which are few and far between).
an instant alternative to gold bond
Wow. the things people do at the hands of OT. in case any of you missed it, and for those of you who don’t frequent the club, this incident was a particularly good one…
In this thread, one of the members (Gongzero) was whining that he forgot to “powder up the boys” this morning. no gold bond and loose boxers makes for a swampy day. He sets it up as a poll and puts up a number of “just kidding” options as to what he should do as an alternative. one of these options was to powder them up with instant coffee. The denizens of OT egg him on, and eventually he caves and actaully does it. so now he smells like a coffee house, and has slimy instant coffee residue all over the inside of his pants. comedy gold… definitely check out the threads if you have some time to kill. I don’t even post in OT that much anymore, but these sorts of antics are what keep me coming back.
I was talking to Seth yesterday, and we’ve decided to take another road trip to Florida sometime soon. Once I get the transmission in the CRX fixed, she’ll make a fine chariot indeed. kickass gas milage for sure. We’ve driven down there twice before, and we always have a good time. This time we can look up people from the club in the area to show us around. I’ll actually have a few bucks to spend too, between the raise and the upcoming new apartment. It’s been too long since I’ve been on a road trip. It’ll do me some good.
166 MHz of bling.
I got bored the other day when I was done swapping my computer into my new case. my “IT drawer” was open, so I decided to rifle through it for whatever reason. there were a bunch of processors kicking around in one corner, and an old Pentium 1 processor caught my eye. I thoguht to myself “hmm… that would make an interesting keychain.” So I dremeled off all the pins on the back and sanded them flush, then I “enhanced the pin marker” with a power drill. I have no excuse for this….
I think it’s marginally clever/unique and it was a fun way to waste about 5 minutes. It’s a good conversation piece too. just thought I’d bookmark yet another milestone in my mental degradation. I’m way too easily amused. 166 MHz of bling indeed.
Sometimes I forget how fawking crazy New England drivers are. It becomes such commonplace that I don’t really notice. I was bebopping up Rt95 north. It’s a main artery around the outskirts of the Boston area that’s 4 lanes wide on each side. the traffic was moderately light since I was late for work. I was going about 5mph faster than traffic in the left lane with nobody ahead of or behind me. I saw a cruiser pull into traffic about a half mile ahead of me so I jabbed the brakes real quick to match the speed of traffic. I pulled in with the rest of the cars and just cruised for a while… my exit was in a mile or 2 anyways. as I cruised by the cop, I looked down… the speed of traffic was 80mph. in a 55mph zone. and the cop was just plodding along looking bored. I consciously know that 80 in a 55 is nothing to be calm about, but the rest of the drivers didn’t seem to care either. damn.
Jacked from OT:
Holy crap! You think you’re all pimpin, strutting your bad bad self with your mean-ass pitbull to complete the image? check out how it’s done in Africa…
for my bookmarking purposes and for any of you that get astoundingly bored, Here’s a true gem from off-topic. Some of you know it, some of you don’t…
It starts out with a guy telling a short story about some idiocy his roommate was perpetrating while cleaning his hubcaps. It ends up being a log of all the stupid things his roommate does. and this guys is dumb. like, crazy dumb. Jessica Simpson dumb. here’s an example:
He heard a mouse running around the house and asked about a mousetrap. I told him to be careful setting it as it could break your finger. He replies with a deer-in-the-headlights look and goes “Are you serious?” *sigh*
Yes, how do you think the mousetrap kills the mouse? It’s from a strong spring to snap it’s neck usually. Well 10 minutes later he comes back and hands me a mousetrap and goes “I can’t figure it out”
Seriously, what do you say to that? The thread is very long and contains dozens of little one or two paragraph tales of his roommate, nicknamed “are you serious” for obvious reasons. it has many days worth of pure comedy gold to get you through those lulls in the workday.
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