Ice raced again yesterday. I owned the course in my class. I might have even taken first place. they score based on averaged run rankings and not run times, so I’m not sure what I ended up getting. IF I made first, I might get a trophy for the season. if not, then it’s just practice for next season :D.
granted, only 3 people showed up in my class (myself included). but the other 2 people are the only 2 that have consistantly beaten me in previous races. so they were the only 2 that would have mattered if anyone else showed up anyways. the course was faster than it’s been all season. it was like gravel because of the fresh snow and refrozen ice surface. later on in the day it rained and became very slushy. my times sank as the day went on. my tires aren’t “worn” by any means, but I was running out of tread depth on the deeper areas of slush. keeping control of the car was harder than it has been all season. left foot braking was swinging my tail out as if I was using the handbrake.
oh, and one guy brought a stretched limo to the race. he mounted screw tires like Kris has. it was absolutely nuts to watch a stretched limo run through the course… and pull respectable times. apparently the guy used to be a rally driver, and now he owns a limo business. he’s building up another limo to do hillclimbs with. and yes, both these limos are still in service. I’ll post pics/vids when they become available.
So… Now a county in Tennessee wants to ban gays. not gay marriages…. but ban homosexuals. words can’t describe the unrepentant absurdity.
DAYTON, Tennessee (AP) — The county that was the site of the Scopes “Monkey Trial” over the teaching of evolution is asking lawmakers to amend state law so the county can charge homosexuals with crimes against nature.
Full Story
Ok, it’s pretty much settled. I’m a wicked f’n geek. I’ve known this for a while, but a couple of things happened yesterday that made me think, “wow… I’m not just your average run-of-the-mill geek”. I put my ramblings behind the cut, since any non-geek will find the stories utterly unintersting.
My spoon is too big: I’ve seen all the common pics from the vid, and I know all the references… But until today I’d never actually seen the movie. I know I’ll get n00b points for this, but I like being able to discover little bits of internet lore here and there. I’m glad I finally saw it. The ending is really cool. anyways… for your viewing pleasure:
thanks to Avatarr on the club for hosting.
I figured I’d toss up the collection of “0h n0s!” pics here… Posting one of them in my last entry got me remembering all the other ones. If for nothing else, it’ll make them easier to link when I want to use them. Plus, they’re t3h funnAy. Here’s the original that started it all (Props to Kaiser in OT):

This was a chop of a popup ad for an antivirus program or something. It went over well, and people frequently chop it to fit the context of this or that (the “noreaster” one for example). the rest are behind the cut.
0h n0s!
So I guess we’re getting dumped on with a big snowstorm today in New England. All you Cali/Texas/Florida people can bite me. You and your unrepentant good weather. It’s supposed to start soon, and get real heavy at around rush-hour time. Glad I still have the snows on. I know that everyone in their Dreadnaught-class SUVs will be stalking the roads, so I’m hoping to get out a little early or a little late to avoid it. I believe Andrew’s pic is once again relavent:

In other news, my toes itch. They’re in my shoes. I can’t scratch them. That sucks.
Got back from Chicago. They told me all about how they were going to pay for the hotel and rental and food and everything, and forgot to leave out the part about no intarweb 😡 . seriously, how was I supposed to live without my intarweb??!? I guess I got through it all right. Monday I fell asleep at like 7-ish. I just didn’t have any way to gauge how long I’m supposed to stay up without the little clock in the bottom right corner of my vision :p.
Chicago was nice. It was like a mini-vacation. not much ACTUAL work to be done. If only I can get them to send me to some place in Florida next time someone needs field service out there…
props to the Mid-West guys from the club for taking care of me. it’s cool to be able to meet up with a bunch of people I’ve never seen before and have them treat me like I’m one of them. It felt just like sitting down and having a few drinks with the New England guys… random car tuning chatter, sarcastic banter, and insightful comments on this and that.
in other news, I just saw Strongbad’s 100th email. clever. they know how geeky their audience is.
I’m off to Chicago tomorrow morning to visit Sonoscan’s headquarters. Basically 1 week all-expenses-paid vacation. I have to work all week, but it’s not like “sit and crank out data” work. I’ll be helping out at a workshop, meeting some of the people there, etc. my flights, hotel, car, food, etc all gets to go on an expense account so it might as well be a vacation. Some of the guys from the mid-west chapter of the club are planning on taking good care of me while I’m there as well. People ask me why I’m so big into my car club. It’s hard to explian how above and beyond NASIOC is from “just a club/forum”. As pretentious as it sounds, they really are like an extended family or circle of friends. I’m certainly looking forward to meeting the guys out there. also looking forward to a change of pace. I bought a book to keep me company, although I doubt I’ll have much time to read. I get in on monday, and I know that 2 out of the 4 evenings at least I’ll be out with the club guys… friday night I leave.
Anyways… I won;t have internet access for most of the week, so I bid LJ goodbye till I return. I hope everyone on my list has a good week.
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