“Vegas” by Crystal Method is one of the few albums that I’ve had forever that I can still listen to all the way through. They sure had something going, huh? I got the album my freshman year in college.. 6 or 7 years ago. it was one of my first “techno” albums when I was just escaping radio rock (shudder) . Maybe it has something to do with the fact I spent many a night heavily inebriated, playing N2O on the old playstation. I still see my little ship going down the tunnel shooting bugs, all set to crystal method. the sound is so consistant through the album. and it creates such a mood. it’s laid back, and at the same time it sounds like the background music for a cop chase scene in a movie.
“tweekend” was disappointing.
“legion of boom” is pretty good. Except for “born too slow.” I’m pretty sure they just wrote that one for “Need for Speed: Underground” anyways, so it doesn’t really count.
Anyways, that’s my random thought for the day. Such a good album. You all are required to go dust off your copy, toss it in the closest CD player, and listen to it all the way through at least once.
PS – if you don’t have N2O for the playstation yet, you should really get it. a used copy and a used playstation cost less than a cappuccino at starbucks.
I was talking to Damien on IM earlier….
Making fun of Ed
I’ve found myself explaining the OT tradition of “Misogynist Thursday” a lot to people lately. I figured I’d post up the comic that started it all so I can just link people to my stupid El-Jay. I dunno why it caught on… I guess we just like making up holidays too :p. The women tried making a similar holiday of mondays where they gripe about men. It didn’t catch on though 😀 . we keep it light hearted and basically it’s just a day where everyone gets together and gripes about their relationships and say “WAPCE” a lot. It’s cool to hang around with a group that don’t take themselves seriously, and can pull off this stuff without coming across as a bunch of total dinks. it’s also nice that they found a simple way to confine all the whining to one day. anyways…
OT (well, all of NASIOC really I suppose…) has been down since 10-ish this morning. I can’t imagine what everyone is doing with themselves. I swear, the collective apathy level of the world will noticably drop because of all the extra work that must be getting done. I’ve gotten many IMs from people all in a panic… “0n n0es!! where is my t3h OT!!1one”
EDIT: just talked to the godfather himself. it’s a power issue. the power company is sending too much voltage so the UPS went on battery. lame.
Stolen from LoriAngel
I wouldn;t do the meme thing, except I just finished the series this evening. so the timing was perfect 😀
this showed up in OT today:

I found it marginally amusing. props to RaceCarRiot from the club. I think he’s on here too?
I went on permanent at my job today. so my title changed from “bitch” to “applications engineer.” it came with a hefty raise and these “benefit” things I hear about, spoken of only in hushed tones amongst temps. So I’ll finally be making more than I was on unemployment, and I even get to sign the cover letters to my reports. pretty psyched. it’s nice to have a “real” job instead of a “just like the real thing” job.
I get to take a trip to chicago this coming week to visit the main manufacturing facility/lab. air/car/hotel/food is all payed for by the company so it’s pretty much a vacation. The guys from the club in that area are already plotting some debaucherous event for me.
To boot, Bob will be out of the office all week, so I won;t see her for a total of 2 weeks… which is always a good thing. kind of ironic though… “welcome to the company… I’ll be leaving the country now, enjoy!”
I’m going to go through a large group of cars today and tear parts off them at will. But in that delightfullyl legal way. I swear, the pick-apart yard is like a candy story for car geeks. 2 bucks to get in, 30 bucks all-you-can-carry. or 40 bucks to pile a ton of shit on a random car hood and drag it over the line. how cool is that? I’d go there just for fun even if I didn’t need anything for my car really. oh wait… that’s what’s going on today.
They say smell is the most nostalgic of the senses. I think they’re right. whoever “they” are. I smelled soemthing today I haven’t smelled in years. I think it was a combination of smells, the composite of which reminded me of something else. As soon as I smelled this odor, I revisited a memory from around 8 years ago. It’s the same smell as the interior of the card shop in the mall by the farmer’s market in Seattle. My family was there on a trip some time ago. It’s funny, I haven’t thought of that trip in so long, and one smell brought me back there instantly. wierd. that’s all I got.
A good friend of mine, Damien, Is stationed in Japan with the military. He’s been going out with this girl, Yoshi, for about 6 months now. It’s a long distance relationship (4 hours by bullet train) and I guess it’s been wearing on her. He posted in OT last night about how worried he is that she’ll leave him. Anyways… one of the more inebriated members decided to post his heartfelt advice:
Dude, listen I’m drunk but I’m gonna give you advice.
Any girl with the name Yoshi is bad news. I used to play mario and Yoshi would only cause trouble, I’d get attacked and he’d run away. Which makes me think that at the first sign of trouble she is going to run, I think you guys need to work through this, make her talk to you even though she probalby is going to act like one of those strong female types and not want to. Make her tell you what is wrong and fix it. Don’t let Yoshi go, you need her later on to complete certain levels, especially if she can fly. Thats the best one. I don’t remember what color of Yoshi that is but its definately the best one. Or the one that breathes fire. But yea man, Take care be strong and safe, its ok, live goes on. But dude, talk to her. Make her tell you whats wrong. I don’t know anything but I know I’m right!
Apparently he had enough in him to not realize exactly how off the wall his words were. he was *rather* surprised at what he’d written this morning.
But here’s the couple: linky . Aren’t they cute together? Damien is a damn cool guy. I really hope everything works out well for him.
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