Google is giving props to chaos math today. they did an excellent job constructing their logo:

not only do they give the equation for the images they’re using… They even name the pic “Julia” when they could have gotten away with the more well known “Mandelbrot”. The equation they give is “Z=Z^2+C”. the subscript under the first “Z” indicates that this is an iterated equation. anyways, that eqation is what generates the Mandelbrot fractal. A Julia fractal is a similar image that is basically the inverse of the mandelbrot fractal at any given point (more specifically, for any value of C). The best way I can describe it is that you could “click” anywhere on the Mandelbrot fractal and get an image that’s quasi-similar to the original image. every point will generate a slightly different image.
One of the neat things about fractals is that they have infinite resolution. Given a computer with sufficient computing power, it could be zoomed in upon infinitely. the “chaos” comes in at the border between the frilly exterior, and the less exciting single-colored interior. the closer you zoom into the border between the two regions, the more complex the border gets. you can never actually see where the two regions meet. there’s no clear line no matter how far in you look.
The Mandelbrot set became fairly well popularized some time ago. The Julia set is much less well known. which is why it’s pretty cool of them to name the picture Julia instead of Mandelbrot. I guess someone in their ranks is a fractal junkie.
I *greatly dislike* repair work on weekends.
if you’re bored
I was going to do the states map thing that’s spreading around. but the page messed up. so screw it. I’ve been to “a wicked lot.” that’s all you get. no cookie for you!
I’m a goon. I must be getting old or something. either that or I’ve developed some sort of sense of that “work ethic” thing I’ve been trying so hard to avoid. For the first time I can recall I’ve been happy to find out that it’s earlier in the week than I thought it was. this bothers me deeply.
I’m in the middle of scanning these really annoying parts that are simple but tedious. and I have a lot of them. after these, I have some 6″ silicon wafers to scan. the wafers need to be done by the end of friday, and these other parts have to be done first. I thought today was Thursday, and I just found out it’s Wednesday. This discovery made me feel relieved. I have no place feeling that way seeing as there’s a superbowl party this weekend that I’m really looking forward to. I should not be thinking of work first and fun later.
Fuck. I must be getting old. One more nail in my coffin.
Whale explodes on Taiwanese roadway…
A dead sperm whale being transported through Tainan City on its way to a research station suddenly exploded yesterday, splattering cars and shops with blood and guts.
be warned, this article containes the words “sperm” and “wang” !!
yeah. went to ice race. fun. words are behind cut.
Ice race = hot hot fun
what really happened to the mars rover?
Click here!
This poor woman was the victim of a hit and run. 3 TIMES. That’s more times than I crap in a day.
NEW YORK (AP) — The black car hit her first, striking Natalie Guzman as she tried to cross a Queens street to buy a bag of potato chips. The 18-year-old managed to get to her feet before she was hit again, by a white car.
About four minutes later, her friends dove for cover as a black sport utility vehicle hurtled through the 30 mph zone at an estimated 80 mph. Guzman, who could not move, was killed instantly.
Whole story
What the hell do you say to that? Seriously… no words. humans suck. It’s nice of the world to justify my misanthropy from time to time.
I am particiating in an afternoon tradition of mine I had long since forgotten. The “trip-6” or “triple six” is a drink that a friend of mine invented for me. When I worked at Pfizer, I got to know the starbucks people real well. one of the guys there made it a habit to give me my drinks for free, and in return I would give a generous tip. this was passed down law to the “lesser” employees there. score.
anyways, he made a drink for me that I still get from time to time when I need to wake up. the trip-6 is 6 packs of raw sugar, 6 pumps of chocolate mocha syrup, and 6 shots of espresso. all over ice. this thing is crazy. I don’t have espresso drinks very often anymore, and I don;t have that much sugar. so this drink is kicking my ass. I can feel diabetes closing in on me every time I have one. absolutely guaranteed to wake you up no matter how dead you are.
ironically, it comes out to just about 6 dollars. The ironing is delicious! bah. thought I’d share the love. get away from my drink.
Separated at birth?

Story (linky autoloads print applet for some reason)
Ugliest person evAr. Even I’m a little prettier
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