
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

January 15th, 2004 1 comment

1 reason not to take yourself too seriously:

…because people like Bogart will make fun of you, and people like me will laugh at you. This shit is hillarious.


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January 14th, 2004 2 comments

Apparently it’s a good time to become a career killer.


Woman was driving drunk and talking on a cellphone. She crosses the center line and crashes into another vehicle. She kills the driver, puts the pregnant wife into a coma, and the baby is born 5 months later into the care of relatives. The drunk woman gets 30 days in jail, plus house arrest and probation. Oh, but she also she has to carry around a pic of the guy she KILLED to remind her what a naughty girl she is.

I wonder… if I go on a killing spree, will I have to rotate the picture I carry every week or can I just carry around an album?

I am convinced the human race would not miss 9/10 of it’s population.


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January 14th, 2004 3 comments

The other day at poker night my buddies and I were feeling pretty pimp, so we turned on the “old school rap” channel on his digital TV thingy. The played that ancient Afrika Bambatta/ Soulsonic Force tune. You know the one. It was pretty cool. Until everyone else was all “what is this crap.” Cretins. I let them off after they proved they had other redeeming qualities. Mainly, they kicked my ass at poker. So I didn’t even have to use my AK. It was pretty cool.


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January 12th, 2004 4 comments

I did the LJmatch compatability thingy


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January 11th, 2004 2 comments

Saw the weirdest thing on the road today…

My brother and I were driving to Amherst to drop him off which means driving through some “less established corners of civilization”. So we’re beboppin down route 202. it’s a small windy highway that passes through several of these little towns in the sticks. There was a plank of plywood leaning up against a sign that was saying “this way to Pelham” or something. The plank of plywood had “GRAVES” spraypainted on it in flourescent orange. My brother and I exchanged stares and both agreed it was one of the most random and creepy things we’d seen in a while. Most places have a nice sign saying “Town Cemetary” or something on it.

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Now I remember why I don’t go to “pop clubs.”

January 11th, 2004 4 comments

I went to the new location of one of the only tolerable clubs in Worcester… Sh-Booms. It’s much bigger than it used to be and pieces of the ceiling don’t fall on patrons anymore. And yes, it’s a pop club. :cringe: . They play terrible remixes of horrible techno. There are very few places in Worcester to go to in the first place. So if it’s Saturday night and you don’t feel like hauling your ass to the Boston area, it’s better than kicking around and doing nothing. Or even worse, going to the Palladium (aka the “get-laidium”). That would be the all ages “old enough to pee” jailbait club here in beautiful Worcester. Never been there.. I think if you’re over 18 they just cuff you at the door.

Anyways… I can’t hear a damn thing now. It was so (chain of explatives) loud in there. my ears never ring the next day. I knew there was a reason I tried to avoid pop venues.

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January 9th, 2004 4 comments

I need to focus on finding sources of “conventional” amusement. I get bored and do things in my lab that I shouldn’t. I work at a lab with a number of exotic instruments and environmental testing equipment. Some things I know are behind the cut.


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January 9th, 2004 2 comments

I like talking to smart people. about whatever. even better if it’s a workable subject. had some very good discussions about science, faith, ethics, etc last night. I like finding myself having to think through my answers instead of CTRL-V’ing the same lines from my brain I always do. smart people rock.


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January 6th, 2004 2 comments

Props to Reflex-Arc from the club:

Petter Solberg leads Mars Rally

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January 6th, 2004 5 comments

Whoever invented butterscotch needs to be beaten. Even if they’re already dead. The stuff is vile. If you like butterscotch, you are wrong. you need to re-visit your likes and dislikes and make sure butterscotch isn’t there. because if it is, YOU are part of the problem.

I was in the break room, and there was an inviting bowl of candy. I looked around for strangers in vans waiting to kidnap me and saw none. so I stole a piece. it looked like a starlight mint. white with little red stripes. I prepared myself for a taste sensation… and got PwN3D. It was NINJA BUTTERSCOTCH! a clever fellow, the ninja butterscotch disguises itself as less assuming types of candy so it can sneak its way into your mouth. This allows it to assault your palate whilst your defenses are down. Truly a virulent little chunk of sugar.

That’s all I got.


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