if you’re bored…
long thread, but worth it.
Chick comes to “The OT” looking to be an attention whore (opens up with “hi I’m a girl”). turns out she instigated some nastiness that led to another club breaking into 2 factions. apparently she sleeps around. It starts as us pwning her for being an attention whore. It ends up with members from the other board coming over and handing us nekkid pics and vids of her that she posted on the intarweb. It’s one of the more brutal ownings I’ve seen in a while. linky has a bikini shot or 2, but is work safe otherwise.
all NWS content has been distributed through PM and email. OT might be mean, but at least it’s clean.
“Computer games don’t affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we’d all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.”
— Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989
Helicopter != Tugboat
Another intarwebnet relic I’m sure. still funnAy.
Holy Jebus! Macho Man Randy Savage is putting out a rap album??? Something is wrong with this world. From what I gather, he even disses “Tha Hulkster” on one of his songs. I’d love to say “quit living in the past” or some crap like that… but when you’re THIS MUCH MAN:

nobody can tell you what to do. Clicky the linky. read the reviews. they are hilarious.
PS – waiting for the WTLWs to roll in
A guy from the club was sharing his stories of end-user idiocy. It reminded me of an *interesting* moment I had with the CEO of the last company I worked with. He had a video camera that he’d dome a walk-around of our facility with, and he wanted the video dumped to a DVD. My computer in the server room was the only one with a DVD burner. The camera was super-duper new and used a new sort of compression that wasn’t universally supported yet. Idiocy ensues:
Boss: “I need you to burn the video from this camera onto a DVD”
me: “ok. I just need the cables and disks it came with.”
boss: “I threw those out. were they important?”
me: “……….”
inside Ian’s brain: “nnnnnggggngnnnyaaa……must…..not……..speak…….”
Such delicate stupidity. Innocence wrapped in the numb blanket of “If I don’t need it now I never will.” I argued with them for an hour just to convince them that they did in fact need a special cable. Then I actually had to devise a strategy for how to tell them they need these magical “driver” things us IT folks are always talking about. The scenario I gave him was:
“The reality of the situation is that you’ve given me a car and told me to drive over there somewhere in it. This computer? that’s the body and the wheels. This camera? that’s the engine. Those cables and disks you threw away? those were the transmission.”
I can get the video to show up on Video Studio 7. It’s horrible quality tho. going on the car analogy, I have a 1000 hp Supra, and the only tranny I can find is a Justy CVT. The drivers aren’t available online. I finished the internet and didn’t find them. not on the sony homepage, not anywhere.
The only reason this is a big deal is that we need to ship this out to an investor today, and he waited till the last minute to say to himself “Well crap… I don’t seem to be able to get this video off here. It’s electronic, so Ian can do it. he has magic. good magic.”
Right now I hate end users with a seething passion.
That’s my story. I’m sure all you IT folks can relate. besides, I hadn’t posted a funnAy in here for a while :p
I know I just got done yapping about getting this new job. but I pulled a pretty big blunder in the interview. He asked me what kind of degree I have, and I told him I had a BS in Physics. He mentioned that there are a lot of physics guys that work at the company, which was good to hear.
then asks me to describe the last time I used my knowledge in physics in the “real world”. I made the terrible mistake of answering the question truthfully without thinking about what I’d be saying first. I described how I was in a long creationism/evolution debate and how I can’t stand it when people pick on the physical laws to argue creationism. namely using the second law of thermodynamics to show how we couln;t have evolved from simpler creatures to more complex creatures. I mentioned the concepts behind the second law and how they have no bearing on biological systems at all. Then he says “well I think the biological aspects of evolution are the biggest problem…” RED FLAG! RED FLAG! Go directly to neutral territory… do not pass go, do not collect $200!!! I immediately followed up his comment with “yeah, I know there are issues and I don’t try to take sides… I just hate it when people use physical laws in ways they aren’t meant to be used…” etc. I think I saved it pretty well.
NOTE TO SELF: lie through your teeth if you have to, but make sure you project neutrality and/or invisibility in all political/religious areas when interviewing.
I already have the job pretty much secured so I’m really not worried about this… but this is just the kind of blunder that could cost me a job in a blind interview with people I’ve never met before. I *greatly dislike* having to abandon my principles like that, but the general population doesn’t respond well to opinions that conflict with theirs. they take it as a challenge or an affront… not so much as an opinion. half the time people have no business carrying around the opinions they do. :ROLLEYES:
anyways.. that’s my story.
Oh my fuck. It sure is raining.
It’s days like today that make me glad I’m not a medieval farmer.
I’ll finally be going on permanent in this job in late Feb it looks like. one of the higher-ups came by earlier this week to do an audit on our ESD procedures and to do a formal interview with me. the guy is a car nut. the first thing he said when he got here wasn’t “hi” or “hello”… it was “CRX Si, huh? nice.” I figure’d we’d hit it off. and we did. we went out to a company lunch and it was all car talk. Bob just sat there in silence. she didn’t have a chance to say anything.
anyways, my only concern was pay rate. I can’t live off this crappy temp pay forever so I had to make sure that when I went on perm I’d be making a good chunk more. I offered up what I thought was reasonable and he agreed to it. it’s still not as much as I was making being a professional slacker (IT admin) at my last job, but it’s science. so I don’t mind the lesser pay since I’m at least doing what I went to school for 4 years to learn… Instead of riding the knowledge I acquired getting wing commander and hexen to work on my 486 box back in the day.
I’m actually doing something significant here, which is why I like science in the first place. we scan electronic parts for internal defects and whatnot. but the parts we get aren’t computer memory and whatnot. we get a lot of military and aerospace stuff since they need to be able to see if their parts will last in space or in a musty bunker for decades. we get all kinds of crazy stuff in here. It’s cool to feel like I’m part of a neccecary process or something. I hated working a “trained monkey” position at Pfizer, knowing that my job wasn’t significant in any way. it just made all my efforts seem futile. here, we’re making sure that space shuttle components won;t fail.
http://www.sonoscan.com <----- I'm with stupid
That's all I got.
I drove the CRX today in the snow. For those of you who aren’t New Englanders, we’re getting dumped on hardcore this weekend. tonight is the prelude to the “big mother fucking storm” (nor’easter for short). Anyways, It’s my first time driving a FWD car in snow in ages it seems. I’ve been driving nothing but Subarus for I think 3 winters now. Oh my fuck, I am a spoiled little bitch. I still have my generic no-season tires on. Snow tires (Dunlop Graspic DS-1) coming tomorrow from tirerack.com thank the fucking lord. The roads in Boston were warm enough to get snow-on-slush. I had nothing. no control at all. even though the car is lighter than jsut about any other car on the road, if I even thought about touching the brakes all 4 wheels would lock right up. There was one hill where I was in 1st and just barely keeping the brakes applied and not locked… I had no control. if the car had pitched, I would have been entirely unable to recover. I’m so used to just countersteering and mashing the throttle. doesn’t work so well in a FWD car. no ebrake turns for me. at least not till I learn the car better. I’ll be taking it out to my “testing area” tomorrow morning when there’s a few inches on the ground. it’s a big dirt parking lot near a school. no telephone poles or trashcans, and it’s always entirely vacant. I would take the Impreza there to learn how to drive with all 4 wheels spinning, basically preacticing for racing rallycross courses. I want to take the CRX there just to learn how to handle the car in low grip situations. it’s just dirt so I’m not tearing anyone’s property up, and the cops don;t care as long as I do it on weekends when nobody is around. as far as they’re concerned it’s just another person learning his car better. they no I’m not just some punk blowing donuts.
clifnotes: Haven’t driven FWD in years. new to driving stick. got caught in the snow. in boston. safely got home. eagerly awaiting snow tires. learned I am a spoiled AWD bitch.
That’s all I got. Oh, I almost forgot… Courtesy of Kha0s:

“0h n0s!” pics pwnz j00w.
So I’m getting real snow tires for the winter. which means I have a nice spare set of narrow crappy no-name “snow” tires. they’re pretty worn, but no matter. I’ll be making screw tires out of them for ice racing this year. I’ve been talking to Kha0s about the care and feeding of screw tires after teh success of his “RE-92 Evolution” tires. A trip to home depot and a few hours of labor should go a good ways towards making a nice set. apparently there’s mroe to it than shooting a bunch of hex-head screws into a set of crappy tires 😆 . I’ll be posting before and after pics for teh small percentage of you that give one, or even two, flying fucks.
It’ll be fun to ice-race the CRX. I have tons of experience on the loose surfaces in various Subarus, but never have I attempted anything like this in a FWD car with an open diff (or any sort of diff for that matter). it’ll be fun. I’m sure there will be videos of my antics.
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