so… my clutch went out today. I’ll post tonight just to let everyone know exactly how easy it is to yank the engine in a 1990 CRX :p . thankfully it went before I hit the Concord rotary and entered stop-and-go hell. I managed to crusie home with few gearchanges. anyways… the situation is: blew my clutch at 8:00 this morning. Start pulling the engine at 2:00 this afternoon. must be commute ready by tomorrow at 8:00 AM. no work = no pay. I can make up one day with long days, but not two. blarg.
Thankfully this car is less complex than a bowl of cereal. A monkey of mediocre mental affinity could tear the engine apart and put it back together again. shit, I hope I can do it as easily. I wish I was a monkey. this would be cake.
EDIT: For those linky’d to this entry, see the rest of the week’s entries for the rest of the story. Apparently I am below a monkey of mediocre mental affinity.
So it’s like 5:30 am now. or something. see timestamp. no sleep. dunno why. I didn’t tank up on coffee or anything. just no sleep. oh well. I got to catch up on some much needed C&C:Generals and FTP time*.
I started playing C&C: Generals yesterday when I downloaded the new Omega version of the Catalyst 3.9 drivers. finally the game wouldn’t go all jimmy-fund on me. everything would flicker and basically suck in like 4 different ways at once. so it worked now. and in the span of a few hours over 2 days I’ve got it beat. WTF? the original Command and Conquer back in the day sucked up my social life for weeks. I guess they just don’t make games like they used to. all these great 3D graphics and years worth of design experience, and the original C&C is still debatably the best.
damn. talking about video game lore WITH MYSELF at around 5:30 tuesday morning. see also: rock bottom 😀 .
*Don’t copy that floppy!!!!
am I n00b? I just stumbled across this:
r00fle! some funny isht in there. its a “if hackers ruled the world” contest. some funnAy in there. check it out. mostly I’m just posting the link here so I can get a good laugh when I get home. so you all can suck it.
I looked down a few posts in my journal, and saw the “I’m having ramen again for lunch today.” well, today it’s Oreos and root beer. I was actually wishing I had ramen :p . Today, pathetic would be an improvement.
I really need to start bringing my lunch. or at least start being a little less lazy and go out to buy lunch. they should really make up a system where you could call into a place and order food, and have them DRIVE it to you. like “delivery” or something. how’s that for an idea? do you think it would sell?
So score another victory for elbow grease. I installed a set of DC Sports one piece 4-2-1 headers onto my CRX a couple days ago. normally they run for like 300-ish I think. I got them onto my car for 20 bucks after all was said and done.
I was in the pick-apart yard last weekend looking for more stuff to sell on ebay, and more parts for my turbo project. need DSM 440cc injectors! anyways, I was picking through a new set of cars in importland for goodies off Hondas. an ECU from an 88-89 integra will cost me 10 bucks and sell for 50-80 on ebay or . not too bad. so my buddy Seth was with me. He was looking over a riced out accord that had seen an accident. rice is the best thing to find in a pick-apart yard since you never know what goodies the owner put onto it. so we pop the hood, and first I check the engine code to make sure it’s not an engine I could use. sure enough it isn’t. then my eyes drift from the engine stamp to the headers, and I see the little plate on the #3 runner with the “DC” logo on it. w00t! the engine was a d-series, so I knew it would mate up alright. we went at it ang got the header off. after poking around there wasn’t anything else I needed, so we went to the exit.
The guy charged me 10 bucks for it. for a perfectly good DC sports header. WTF? I’m not gonna bitch. I like my CRX but there;s no way I’m gonna spend much money on it. so this is great. the flange was cut off on the end so I needed like 10 bucks worth of stuff from auto-zone to get it to fit right. it took a couple hours to get on cause I was squeamish about dropping the fron crossmember. but we did and I got it on. it helped out the top end a little, and the modrange response was greatly improved. all in all it’s much more drivable. and it looks cooler to boot. and anyone who owns a Honda will tell you, that’s what counts :p ! certainly worth the 20 bucks anyways. I still have the stock exhaust from teh header back so I’m sure it will be much nicer when it’s all done. so that’s my story.
Damn… after posting that bit about Petter winning the WRC, I crusied through the pics on . now I really miss my Subaru. both Subarus, actually. I just got the urge to go out for a random spirited drive,, and realized I only have my CRX waiting in there for me. It’s quicker than my Impreza, and handles better than both my Impreza and my turbo Legacy did (not as fast as the legacy… that thing was a beast). but with all the quickness and manuverability… it’s just not as much car. I don’t feel the urge to take it out and whip it around. and when I do, it’s less satisfying.
I miss whipping around in the Impreza. that thing handled so damn well. all it had was a WRX suspension setup and a set of Yoko’s wrapped around P7s. nothing outstanding on paper. But I knew the car so well I could make it do things it had no business doing. I miss the legacy even more I think. I really thought of the Impreza as “my baby…” but for some reason I was more attached to the Legacy. I was the 3rd owner, and it still felt more like “my car” than the Impreza that I bought brand new. I guess it’s cause I put more work into it. it needed some repair when I got it. I also modded it more. I learned everything I knwo about turbo on the Legacy. I know more about the EJ22t than any other engine in any other car. Hell, I was on the legacy page for just a few months and I was a genuine authority on the car. I didn;t have much money to put into it, so the suspension wasn;t in great shape. but the engine was amazing. that thing could move. and yeah, for all you subaru-novices, there’s a difference between the turbo legacy and the legacies you see putting around most of the time :D.

There you go.. smaller pictures to make up for my previous spam. Mine’s the black one covered in genuine New England salt. and yeah, they’re both wearing the same wheels. Prodrive P7s. Again, for those of you who could care less about Subarus and wonder why the fuck I have gold wheels on my cars… It’s a Subaru thing. The Subaru WRC rally cars are always blue with gold wheels. they have been sicne “the beginning.” so it’s part of the subculture.
Anyways… I like my CRX. I have plans for it. it WILL be a fun car. It’s plenty fun already. I have a turbo and an intercooler for it already. my ECU is prepped for chipping, and I have pins installed for a serial port on the ECU. datalogging software and tuning software are free ( ). The software can handle fuel management for boost, and will work with any size injector (read: no need for FMU). even boost control is in the works. all the typically expensive stuff is taken care of (and I’ve only spent 50 bucks so far).
but even with a turbocharged car that only weighs 2100 lbs… I’ll miss my Subarus. I’ve promised myself a WRX late this summer. IT can’t come soon enough. but for now, it’s 1 wheel drive, baby!
Props to Petter Solberg for winning the crown in Rally Great Britan, and snagging the WRC driver’s champion title. Damn fine job by an incredible driver!

Also, we’ll all be wishing a fond farewell to Tommi Makinen since it was his last rally. He’ll be going into retirement as well.

Uber-legend Colin McRae will be joining him unless he can find a ride. And to boot, Carlos Sainz announced during the rally that next season will be his last. could just be hot-headedness but WTH? it’s all young’uns now! Richard Burns will be joining Subaru again next year. every Impreza enthusiast is so damn happy to see this. It’s where he belongs. He would always complain “I’m not used to the 206.. it’s just not an Impreza.” I’m so looking forward to next season.
I know I’m late on this, so all you NASIOC guys can eat me :p . and the rest of you, sorry for the LJ-spam… but this is a big fucking deal to myself and most of the Subaru community 😀 (yes, there is such a thing sadly enough).
I’d post a linky, but the thread I got this out of didn’t ahve on, and I’m lazy. so deal. here’s the truncated version so I don’t spam out your “friends page” (like you have friends)
Woman Crashes Into Cellphone Store While Talking on Her Cellphone:
A 20-year-old Abington woman died early yesterday after she lost control of her car while talking on a cellphone and crashed into the wall of a cellphone store, police said.
Authorities were investigating the accident, but it appeared Bethanie Lawton was talking on her cellphone at the time of the crash, Officer Ray Rogers of the West Bridgewater Police Department said.
“She was on her cellphone talking to a girlfriend when she told her friend, `I’m having an accident,’ ” said Rogers. “It appears that she lost control of the car due to inattention to the road, and she was obviously going faster than the posted 25 miles per hour speed limit.”
How’s that for poetic justice?
Ramen for lunch again. w00t!
OMG!! check out t3h funnAY!!!

sorry, I had to.
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