I came across something interesting today. one of those common sense things that people don’t often put into words. there’s a sort of “religion vs. science” thread on the club that’s staying remarkably civil. anyways, I found myself complimenting one of the religious folks on his presentation of a factoid because he didn’t put it in absolute terms. he pointed something out and expressed an opinion, and the way it was put it was seemingly inviting a response and rebuttal. I was impressed and decided to make an example of it. one thing I typed was:
to argue, you must first allow for an arguement.
clever, huh? it’s common sense and all, but it’s so often lost. religious folks, among others, often cite sources they believe to be absolute authorities. the ineffable word of God and whatnot. first they assume we are accepting the source as absolutely authoritative as well whether they know it or not. they don’t ask anyone if they will accept that souce as an authority. even if so, you can’t argue based on authority, authorities should only be used as support.. not body. anyways, the use of an absolute authority by nature denies rebuttal and thusly arguement as well. they are arguing their position without allowing for an arguement. I dunno. that’s all I got.
What is your battle cry? check it:
I got:
Hark! Who is that, sprinting out of the candy store! It is IggDawg, hands clutching a meaty axe! And with a spectacular roar, his voice cometh:
“I’m going to **** you faster than the speed of sound, and roll you in creamy neugut!!!”
here are some pics of the CRX. she’s a 1990 CRX Si. 1.6 liters of uncompromising fury.

yes it’s at night and yes the pics are crappy, but there you have it. I’ll need to clean up the engine a little bit, but at least it’s stock and not filled with APC goodies. I’ll take some pics tomorrow in the light.
So I got the CRX. I’ll have pics up tomorrow or the next day. the paint is wicked nice. no rust visible anywherre. all the rust was filled in with fiberglass and it was repainted OEM yellow. normailly I wouldn’t be happy about the color, but it has enough black trim to give a good contrast. the rims are amazing. stock CRX rims, but they’re in like new condition. no curb rash or anything. not even brake dust. it also came with a spare set of wheels with snows. the guy I bought it from works at an auto parts stor, so I have receipts for a lifetime warranty on: all rotors, all brake pads, all struts, water pump, alternator, and exhaust system. not a bad deal. he already gave me a replacement muffler since the one on there was on its way out. I was working on putting on the new one and the front cat popped apart. so I give the guy a call and he just gave me a new one! talk about a hook-up. I really can’t complain. I think it’ll pass inspection now at least.
it’s a ton of fun to drive. everything works in the cabin. it’s a little spartan. no AC, no power windows or locks. no pwer steering either. I didn’t liek the idea of that at first, but I kinda like driving it like that. the steering response is so quick. I don;t like the no AC, but I’ll live. I’m a New Englandah. I only use it a few months outa the year anyways. and if I drop in a B18 or something, I can always hook up an AC system. it handles amazingly. it weighs nothing, so it just kinda eases into corners. even with the blown struts. I can see why people love these little things. it’s still a little rough to admit I own a civic and like it. I just tell myself “It’s a CRX.. it’s not quite a civic.”
so it looks like I’ll prolly be getting a 1990 Honda CRX. Unless it really sucks when I look at it. it sounds like it’s been babied for most of it’s life, and it’s never been in teh hands of a ricer. I was looking at a 1985 Subaru Brat, but it had a salvage title and was out of state. blarg. I’ve gotta say, I’m pretty apprehensive about owning a honda, but if it turns out to be a total drag I can always tool around in Prity’s Impreza. I’ve got some whiteline springs that can go on it once I get a set of AGX or similar shocks to mount them on. they just make the car waaaaay too bouncy on stock struts.
I was looking at some 80s mags, and I guess it was a big deal when this thing came out. apparently it wsa really something at the time. I honestly think it looks pretty neat. I was at a rallycross in Killington VT, and there was a CRX running in FWD class. I mentioned to a guy that was working the stage with me that I thought those things were pretty cool. to my surprise he agreed. apparently this is one of the few hondas that didn’t come with all the suck that most hondas do. Even most of my Imrpeza buddies will agree that CRXs are cool. especially the Autocross guys. I mean, it barely weighs 2000 lbs. so apparently in the world of sports car enthusiasts CRXs aren;t a sin to like.
the one I’m looking at is a 1990 CRX Si. the only one with an adequate engine. it only delivers 110-ish hp, but it only has to move 2000 lbs. I looked up reviews on these things and people from all walks of life love them. everything from ricers (of course) to white collar folks. they get kickass milage and perform well. and they’re Hondas. they’ll run forever. since Seth did his clutch job in my garage, I’ve had this engine hoist kicking around. if I ever have any issues, at least that thing’s available.
so yeah. I’m checking it out tomorrow, and with any luck it’ll be mine on saturday. it’s a 5-speed so I’ll get to learn stick. I’ve driven stick before but I’m wicked green. I can shift just fine from 2-5, but I need practice getting off the line. I commute on Rt.2, so I better learn quick :D.
So I get this thing in the mail.. A year ago and change I got into a car accident. I was #4 in a 5-car pileup in New Jersey. My car took the most damage of any of them. it went like this (front to back)
I sold my Impreza.
Well it happened. someone came and looked at it tonight. Prity signed an intent to sell, and they need to pick up some CT bill of sale forms. they’ll be picking it up on Monday. they gave a $1000 dollar deposit. I don;t think they’ll be backing out. so yeah. there she goes.
I want to save up for a WRX, cause that’s what I’ve been wanting all along. so I’m looking at something cheap to sit in for the next year or so. I’m thinking a CRX or something. They’re dirt cheap, relatively quick, and there’s an infinite amount of parts at teh local pick-apart yard. If I’m feeling industrious some weekend I could even pick up an integra motor (30 bucks, all you can carry ) to give it some more zip. I guess they were really good cars when they came out. I’ve been looking at reviews, and people from all walks of life seem to dig it. is it weird of me to like the car ?
anyways, I’ll miss my baby. we had a good run.
I just snarfed cappuccino. I got here before the bosslady, so there ws nobody to let me in. so I goes down to the local starbucks to practice capitalism. It’s either that or questionable breakroom coffee. so I have this yummy venti (that’s italian for “5 dollars” or something) cappuccino. I take a sip, and it decided it wants no part of this. it must be socialist, and this is it’s way of rebelling. a moment later I find myself in the stylisticly unpleasing scenario of having frothy brown cappuccino coming from my nostrils. now I’m -5 style points for the rest of the day. I’ll have to breakdance or something to make up for it.
so I got this job…
I got myslef employed last wednesday. I’m working at SonoScan in Burlington. They do acoustic microscopy. basically looking at stuff (usually electronics) with ultrasound. I’ve been looking at microchips and diodes and stuff. we’ll get a part and we’ll have to scan it to see if there are any voids like air buybbles and whatnot. and we can tell if the wire leads are pulling away from the chip surface, or if the chip is pulling off of the backing paddle. we can da all kinds of cool stuff. normally we’ll focus in on one layer of the chip. we use an oscilloscope readout and focus in on certain contact echos to find what we’re looking at. kind of like old-school sonar. then we get a picture of what the inside of the chip looks like. we can also do a vertical cross section to get a number of features and how they “stack up” on eachother. we can also do a “thru-scan” that looks a lot like an x-ray… it shoots through and reads anything that blocks the ultrasound. it can’t transmit thorugh air, so any air bubbles will come up as black dots. it’s really pretty cool. certainly more entertaining than unemployment.
It’s just a small personal opinion of mine.. and maybe it’s a bad one… I really think separation of church and state should be forced upon all governments that want to participate in civilized society. religion has its place, but it’s place is not to give those that rule powers beyond what they should have.
I thank religion for giving us the basis for our morals and ethics. we’ve been given a good model, and we’re constantly amending it with reason. for example, most morals can be jsutified using a logical ethical code and do not require the defense of “because God says so.” the Golden Rule does not require a religious defense to stand up to an ethical debate. it is logical. the amending process comes when an ethical process is not quite logical or is questioned, and the only defense can be found in “because God says so.” Our ethics can, for the most part, be defended with the “gos says so” arguement, but do not REQUIRE that arguement. we can use logic and common sense.
Also, I think governments should be forced to answer to any crimes they commit against humanity. everyone should be allowed life liberty and the persuit of happiness. and it’s not arrogant for me to say that even though it’s my country that thinks the same thing. I think those are basic human rights. I don;t see why someone shouldn’t be allowed those. I haven’t met a person that could, or even wanted to, argue that with me. accordingly, any government who would reccommend, ore even endorse, or even allow a 2-year-old to be stoned to death should be removed from power with as much force and quickness as possible. reference: index.html
maybe I’m on my high horse. maybe there;s something to all this that I’m not seeing. maybe it’s a tragedy, I don;t know. I can’t prove that God does not exist. it wouldn;t be scientific of me to say that. no good scientist will ever rule something out 100%. I will say that the degree of uncertainty is very small. religion can explain everything around us with the blanket statement of “God makes it so.” we can explain most everything around us with Science as well, and none of those explainations require religion in any way. we don’t have 100% of the phenomena out there covered yet but we’re working on it.
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