it makes me sad to think I might never work on a collider. High-energy physics is what I love to do. how many times do you hear that. science consumes me. and it sucks that all I can do is read Feynman in my spare time and daydream about how cool it would be to be doing what I love. I’m stuck doing pharma or IT bitchwork. who knows if I’ll ever get a Ph.D, and wether I’ll ever practice what I love to do. at least I’m working, I guess. I just found a job playing with acoustic microscopes. whopty-shit, right? like anyone ever made a difference with an acoustic microscope. I want to play at CERN. I want to smash things together and see what comes of it. I want to be on the team that sees the first supersymmetric particle, or higgs particle. high-energy particle physics just screams at me.
I just finished “the pleasure of finding things out” by Richard Feynman. I have as much jealousy as I do repect for that man. who the hell was ever jealous of a physicist? maybe I have issues. Maybe I just need to be happy with my lot and see what comes of it.
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