Trunkmonkey Commercial:
This aired during the superbowl. only in like one major city though, so not many people saw it. we’re pretty sure our (the subie community) “trunkmonkey” idea may have had a little something to do with this. It’s well known enough that it may have spread somewhere and developed as an idea into this commercial. calls are being made 😀 . nevertheless, it’s a funny commercial and worth viewing.
I don’t know why I find this so funny…

Some guy photochopped it up as a “WTF?” response to some guy’s comment.
Wow. IRC can spawn some seriously weird conversations. For example, the sorts of conversations in which the term “stovepipe” has to be explained. Even worse is when people have the source material for such terms as “stovepipe”
Yeah. IRC can spawn some weird conversations.
lol… stupid ricers… I remember reading the “how do I get my engine out of the basement” thread this guy started on about a week ago. Didn’t take long for people to start ripping him..

I was at the movies last night, and I saw some of “those people…”
You know how every person has some undesirable trait or another? The kind of traits that keep a person from looking really good, or traits that just don’t belong? I’m not talking fat, too skinny, bad fashion sense… I’m talking those small natural curses that our maker has set upon us that keep us from being entirely happy with ourselves. Sometimes these traits are by default… Abnormal stockiness, just the wrong sort of hair, eyes are just barely too far apart or too close together. And some traits are by choice… A hillbilly monster of a beard, that unshapely skull that someone felt the need to shave and show off, horribly bushy knuckles left unkempt. These sorts of things.
Somewhere out there, there is a “parts bin.” This parts bin is full of these undesirable traits. Usually people will get one, maybe two. It’s that one thing you obsess over trying to bring out because it’s not enough, or cover up because you think it’s ugly. Usually the powers that be just hand out one or two. But sometimes nature gets in a mischevious mood and throws together a set of people made entirely of parts bin parts. I’m not talking about “birth defects” here. Just people whose overall visage is just something nobody wants any part of. Even the people who really don’t care about looks. Every part of a “parts bin person” is just a little bit off. There is no safe refuge for your eyes to fall upon. It’s as if every fold, wrinkle, and folicle of hair whispers a tiny insult to your eyes. The net effect is… offensive.
That’s a parts bin person. you all can conjure up a memory of some such people. Generally they seem to band together over their common wound. Prity and I were out at the movies last night and there was one such group. The diversity of their traits was astounding, and every time a person walked in that was going to go join the group, you could tell. None of them looked, dressed, or sounded alike. they were all unique, and similar in their uniqueness. Thus are the parts bin people.
Here’s a picture of basically what my car looks like:

The only difference is that I don’t have the valence on the back window. Otherwise this looks just like it.
Programmed responses are poo.
I was just on the phone with some chick at an insurance office.
me – “can you have Nancy call me at her earliest convenience?”
her – “absolutely. I’ll give her your phone number. would you like me to transfer you to her voicemail?”
me – “certainly.”
her – “you too.”
You too? WTF is that? Not that I expect her to put every ounce of her thought into a random phonecall, but it’d be nice if she could at least use the right programmed responses. At least wait till I say “have a good day.”
I was telling a friend of mine (Sean) about the new Legacy SS. He’s a good friend of mine, and he’s big into rally. He’s also the originator of the whole “trunkmonkey” thing. Here’s a pic of him and his SCCA ClubRally car/daily driver

Anyways, he asked me if I wanted to join his racing team now that I have a car that I can abuse a little more. It only ran me 2850, and if it got totalled I’d still have enough to cover it after the deductible. And to boot it performs much better than my Impreza did. I told him I’d love to. I’d been planning on running in most of this years rally-x events, as well as attending several of the ice races this winter. So Now I’ll still be doing that, just under the “Team Trunkmonkey Racing” label. There really aren’t any perks per se except being listed as a “driver” on the front page of , and being grouped aesthetically with the other drivers (all of whom are very good) . So yeah. I’ll be part of a racing team now. Sweet!
I have about a mile of silicone tubing in my office. Isn’t that something. Silicone. Tubing. In my office. How pretentious. Like it feels the need to be there. Like it feels obligated to take up MY server room/loading dock. Stupid silicone tubing. For the moment, you are my nemesis and it is my MISSION to see you annihilated.
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