weathermap lol

September 6th, 2006 7 comments

So I made a little weathermap page. It just took some creative surfing… and borrowing a snippet of html from a guy at work…

It’s just 2 images with a sexy slimming black background. One of the northeast (since we’re the quadrant that matters) and one of the whole country. The images are animated and update every 15 minutes or so. It’s handy if you want to see encroaching weather at a glance but don’t want to have to plug in your zip code and deal with ads or golf/ski reports.

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September 1st, 2006 4 comments

So I went to a Hannaford’s yesterday to get some foodstuffthings. I was in the section where they have dried japanese marine stuffs like sushi seaweed wrap and stuff like that. On all the marine grass/vegetable/seaweed stuff they stated “certified organic”. I know I’m not 100% up on marine farming practices, but last I checked it would be perhaps an exercise in diminishing returns to… um… fertilize the Pacific Ocean. Considering the abundance of seaweed in, you know, the sea… it would surprise me to find out they had actual marine or brackish kelp farms or something like that. why make artificial environments for something so abundant. and so, why state something is certified organic when it seems *unlikely* that any other variety exists?

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August 22nd, 2006 No comments

I saw a gorgeous* Buick today on the way home with a couple stickers on the back, one right above the other.

The first one said “expect a miracle” with a little portrait of jesus on one side and a cross on the other.

The second said verbatim “I would rather have a daughter in a whorehouse than a son on the Yankees” with a little redsox logo next to it.

funny how in less than 2 square feet this person posted his devotion to his faith, and an exhibition of hatred and sexism. Good job bro. Attn: God, please be more careful when handing out free thought.

*the Buick was not gorgeous but in fact ugly.

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sugar and spice…

August 18th, 2006 5 comments

Would somebody please explain to me why coverage of the JonBenet Ramsey case deserves a full day of CNN coverage yesterday, and more still today? Pardon my coldness, but some kid dies several years ago and it’s full “top story” coverage on CNN for over a day? I’m sorry.. I know a child dying is a tragedy. fine, give it a couple days of coverage back when it happened. But there is more important stuff going on in the world. and people look to places like CNN for “what’s important”. I know news is all sensationalism and it has nothing really to do with what’s important, but I have this silly nagging instinct that tells me they should have some sort of social responsibility. I know I know… I’m living in the dark ages.

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stab stab stab stab stab

August 2nd, 2006 11 comments

I was playing with a quick project today to get my mind of the abysmal crapfest that today is turning out to be (long story, no I won’t get into it ^^). In a recent post I mentioned the wonderful page . I mean… if you have to know it’s friday, and you have to know RIGHT NOW, you simply can’t do without it. However, in a reply to my original post it was found that the page changed status from YES to NO before midnight on friday. Not acceptable. A quick “whois” query shows that the domain is registered in the UK. Great. So the UK gets to know when it’s friday. Great. What about the rest of us? People need to know when it’s friday. SO… I grabbed the page source and wrote a short script that will update it at the appropriate time (Eastern time, you pacific folks are on your own). If you need to know whether it’s Friday or not, check out . I know, I know… I’m a saint and should be recognized at such. I urge you not to bother the Vatican however, as the application is already in the works.

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no, ma’am

August 1st, 2006 5 comments

I was outside a starbucks this morning enjoying the scenery. I had absolutely no plans of going in and ordering coffee. But there I was in the parking lot. I saw an odd looking rear end (on a car, not a person) in the next row of cars over from me. I took off my sunglasses to get a better look at it.

random woman – “Excuse me, what are you staring at?”

I wasn’t paying attention to what else was in my field of view, and apparently there was a woman standing just outside my line of vision…

random woman – “You can’t just stare at people, you creep,” she remarked, her voice raising a little.

…and it would seem she thought I was staring at her. I boggled for a moment. She was a lot more “40” than the sort of person I would throw glances at, even if I were in the market.

me – “I was staring at the Maserati parked behind you ma’am, not you” I remarked with a light smile.

She glared at me for a moment, and marched off in a huff. Apparently she was offended that I didn’t find her interesting enough to stare at. Or perhaps that I found a silly car more intriguing. Either way, the irony was delicious. Plus it’s always nice to beat someone down from their high horse.

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TGIF, the internet says so

July 28th, 2006 3 comments

Best page evar:

It’s friday. You know so because the internet says it is. This is, of course, unless you’re reading this a day or two late. In such an event, the page knows it’s not friday and will tell you so. Truly a marvel of functionality. Any time you need to know if it’s friday, check the page and it will let you know. This is a sort of temporal version of the venerable weather rock, which has been used for ages to predict weather with absolute reliability.

EDIT – I just checked, and it is still friday.

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July 21st, 2006 6 comments

My mother called me this morning on the way to work

Mother: Will we see you for dinner tonight?
Me: As always
Mother: Is there anything you need from the store while I’m out?
Me: A tank, or possibly a gunship if they’re out of tanks.
Mother: I’ll see if they have any. What do you need it for?
Me: The commute. Things get in the way sometimes, you know? I like having force as an option.
Mother: I see. Hmm… I think a Harrier would be fun too.
Me: Good point. If they’re out of gunships and tanks, pick me up a Harrier.

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…And the long story

July 20th, 2006 1 comment

So… Last year there was an “unfortunate incident” around march or so with the CRX. It was a beautiful day out… 60s or 70s or something. That night the weather was less pleasant, and I ended up with a few inches of snow blanketing the inside of my car. I had left the windows open a crack to air out the car during the day, and forgot to close them at night. Moisture must have gotten to it somehow, because it wouldn’t start when I needed to get to work. I got a ride in, and the next day I borrowed a car from the parents. A week later I had bought the green SVX, and I more or less washed my hands on the CRX. I couldn’t get it to start with minimal effort, and I’d put so much elbow grease into fighting with it recently that I couldn’t stomach working on it anymore. So it rested in the parking spot for a while.

A great while. That was March 2005. I moved out of that Apartment around May or June I think. It’s now July 2006 if my sources are correct, and the car was still there last night. Periodically Seth would check up on it and IM me, amused that it was still there. I took it on faith that they wouldn’t tow it, since I had noticed several cars that never moved over the course of the time that I lived there. But I knew I was working on borrowed time and had to do something about it.

Nate (aka: y2k4door aka: “The Thug”) expressed interest in the car, so I immediately took him up on it. You see, I couldn’t give this car away. I actually carried the title in my briefcase with a $20 bill paperclipped to it. Sometimes the subject of buying cars would come up at work, and I’d say “here, you can have my CRX. I have the title right here. I’ll even give you $20. go on, take the title. The back is already signed, I just need to fill in the date”. That never worked so well. I would even sometimes leave the title with the 20-spot on someone else’s desk all stealthy-ninja-like to see if they’d keep it, but they would always find me and return the title to me. I literally could not pay someone to take the car.

Anyways… Last night Nate came by with a friend and we loaded the car onto a trailer his friend had brought. This was after dragging the car across the parking lot with a tow strap in an effort to brake the frozen wheels free and get it to roll. After sitting for some time with the parking brake on, the rear pads on a car will fuse with the rotors. this is actually the strongest known bond between 2 materials, and is the only known natural source of adamantium. the fronts were merely rusted solid and freed up after some banging. but the rears were a lost cause. some winching and creative use of a hydraulic floor jack got the car onto the trailer. Pics of all this to come… they’re amusing.

So yeah. CRX is gone. About damn time.

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all great things… (all little things too)

July 19th, 2006 1 comment

The CRX got carted off today. Up until monday I had it set up to be taken by on tuesday. On monday a friend called me and asked if it was still around and how much I would let it go for. Short story is that now instead of being junked it is being turned into a hillclimb car. A much more fitting end for it. More story and pictures later. And yes, after over a year and a half, it was still sitting in the same spot I left it. … In the apartment complex I haven’t live at in over a year. w00t.

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