Matters of significance

November 11th, 2005 No comments

Odd how important a missed phonecall can be. Or how much weight a short sentence can carry. Matters of significance can totally change the “short list” of priorities you had in your head just minutes prior. More soon, but something bad happened.

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November 9th, 2005 1 comment

I just heard “chance of a snowshower” for the first time this season on the news. Of course my first thought was “Ice Racing”. Really looking forward to this season. I’m not sure whether or not I’ll be running screws on my silly little black car… but whatever I have wrapped around my mighty steel wheels, it will be a good time.

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Demons tear at my soul…

November 3rd, 2005 1 comment

…or at least my left leg. A few nights ago I awoke to one of the least enjoyable things one can experience when one first wakes up. It was a sunday and I had nothing to do for the day. a complete throw-away day of minor chores and passing out at random times from my body retaliating against my horrid sleep schedule. I woke up at around 2am after 5 or so hours of sleep. very rested, cozy, etc… bunnies, rainbows, the whole bit. I stretched a large catlike stretch… arms fully extended and toes pointed as far out as possible, as the mighty lion does after a meal to show any onlooking gazelles how satisfying it is to eat them and their loved ones.

Everyone has some position they can put their body in to trigger one of those horrid muscle contractions or “charlie horses” or whatever. you know what I’m talking about… it feels like a pair of muscles are pulling apart from each other or something and there’s nothing you can do but lock up in agony and wait for it to pass, since moving in any way undoubtedly makes it worse. There are 2 things I know for sure will do this to me. One of them is, oddly enough, triggered by subway sandwiches. they pack so much stuff into their huge rolls. if I try to bite off a hearty hunk to chew on and open my mouth too wide with my tongue pulled back to accomodate the massive lump of food, my jaw just behind my chin will do this. It’s only moderately excruciating, but not something one wants to have happen during lunch. for some reason, only subway sammiches seem to do this. all other forms of food are more reasonably sized/shaped and don;t seem to make my face turn into a sponge of agony.

back to the main story… the other thing that trips this effect is if I’m lying down, and I stretch way the hell out, pointing my toes and contracting my muscles a little bit. it makes either one of my calves go completely apeshit. I can feel the effect start to take it. about 5 seconds later, my calf is rock-hard flexing against itself with every bit of might it can muster. It’s one of the most painful things that I can think of that I’ve experienced. The only time it really happens is when I’m barely awake and too lost in reverie to know better than to stretch a big satisfying stretch. next thing I know I’m ripped from a hazy morning daze into horrible and sharp sentience. it actually still hurts now and I’m walking with a slight limp. it doesn’t fuck around with the agony thing. it really knows what it’s doing.

So that’s my story in far more words than it has to be.

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October 28th, 2005 1 comment

This is an actual summary for an event we received just now:

Summary: Monitor Desc:=Alarm: Mail Queue is humongous! CurrValue:=2064 Value:=1000 ( Flapping Event )

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October 27th, 2005 No comments

I literally just opened a ticket for “some email server on the customer’s network network that man or many not have any issue”. They did not know which machines or what if any problem existed. They want it looked into quickly though, since they’re very concerned it may not be working properly. keep in mind they haven’t even tried to pass an email through it. They do however see error messages on their console. also keep in mind that when a server has to reboot against its will (they had 2 power outages in quick succession), they are PISSED when they boot back up. He was very concerned when he got on site that he had recieved no email between when the power went out (midnight) through now (3:20). A legitimate concern… that being a very busy period of time. So I got to tell the engineer to look into “an” email server this company has, for no known problem, which could not be identified upon arrival at the site.


The engineer and I had a good laugh before I finally confrenced the customer. yeah… we’ll get right on that, sir. easily the most absurd ticket I’ve ever made. My mighty blurblet does not do the story justice.


I should mention one of our most famous cases on the night shift. we bring this one up all the time. A customer had called up to get a hand with an upgrade. The engineer walked the customer through all the technical bits and pieces till they were at the point that it was just building the new software and generally being automated. This process takes a long while and it states this in the manual. the call we get (verbatim)

Customer: “The instructions said the upgrade would take a long time.. (voice gets very distressed) And it’s taking a long time!”

…as if this was an abnormal thing, and should be treated as alarming.

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September 14th, 2005 3 comments

Top seven song from the past few days. Meme heartlessly ripped from reesey,s LJ.

Haujobb – Dream Aid (high frequency low frequency)
Code 64 – Resistance
DeVision – I’m not dreaming of you
Neon Electronics – Nice & Sexy
James Bong – Don’t say
Paul Oakenfold – Piledriver (Grayed out summer mix)
Razed in Black – Everything’s Gone Green

Share the love. post your top 7. Or else. no, really.

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Bad TV

September 14th, 2005 1 comment

For a couple reasons I found myself in front of the TV watching daytime programming today. My servers were busy doing some stuff I really didn’t feel like bothering, and I loathe surfing the internet on my windows PC. So I parked myself on the couch while lunch cooked, and continued to lounge for a couple hours (Bad Igg!). I soon remembered why it was that I avoided watching TV during the day.

For starters, the best thing I could find on the tube that didn’t involve hicks throwing chairs at hicks or the phrase “You ain’t my baby’s daddy!” was “Beastmaster” on Sci-Fi. Oh please, don’t give me that crap… I’m sure there are shows you would rather not admit you’ve watched. I know you watched Rikki Lake that one time when all you could find was infomercials and ads for college-by-mail.

Anyways… as if that wasn’t bad enough, there was a commercial (that they played an infinite number of times) for a delicious made-for-tv movie.. ‘Dracula 3000: Infinite Darkness’. The name alone sells the movie. It’s a vampire flick, which makes the content suspect in the first place. It’s set in outer space on a spaceship. The number of questions this raises boggles the mind. In the commercials, it even looked like he had the classic dracula outfit. The tagline on the commercial was “In the year 3000, the crew of the Demiter will find out… the future sucks”. IT HURTS! oh god, it burns.

Things like this are why I stopped watching TV in general. Although I have to admit I’m strangely drawn to watching it just to find out what the hell Dracula would be doing in space.

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September 11th, 2005 No comments

I was driving home frm Brian’s place a bit ago and drove past the guard rail I hit in the red SVX just about a year ago. First time I’ve seen it since I hit it. Can’t say it put me in the best mood to see it, since losing the SVX was the start of a nasty chain of unfortunate events.

Still, I have to say… I did a number on that rail. I play to win, dammit.

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September 9th, 2005 6 comments

What the…

Police Shoot Girl, 12, With Taser At School

Unable to control a powerful and dangerous 12-year-old girl, Cincinnati cops taser her

full story

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Don’t smoke

September 7th, 2005 8 comments

I was on a bus today. Ok, the story is getting crazy but bear with me. I was on the Logan express, heading from the airport back to Framingham. My work is located 5 mins walking distance from the logan express terminal, and nothing is more lovely than free parking when flying out of logan. Except perhaps not having to drive into Boston myself.

ANYWAYS… I was parking my lovely ass in delightful solitude when a figure approached me. I could tell from his body language that he was asking if it was alright if he sat next to me. It seemed at the same moment almost as if he was trying to vocalize something, but all that was emitted from his head sounded like… well, picture lining a person’s throat with a cylindrical chalkboard, flooding the cavity with oil, then rubbing a steel brush up and down it. The sounds escaping him, and they were loathe to do so… believe me, sounded nothing like a human communicating to another human. It sounded a lot closer to Darth Vader yelling through a dead cat. I expected these sounds to perhaps come from a dying person, or perhaps a dead person animated with unholy (though entertaining) magic, which made him sitting next to me a little worrisome.

I motioned (without making any sudden movements) that sitting next to me would be permitted. He then began a secondary series of communications. He was asking various questions, and although I was much more worried about the security and integrity of my delicious entrails I tried my best to understand him. He seemed to be querying the expected duration of the bus ride. A value I had recently become very interested in. I told him “about 45 minutes”, but he seemed confused. Apparently since I was not a machine speaking through a dead cat, he could not understand me. Moments later an automated recording came on telling us that we were now the property of the Logan Express for the next 45 minutes or so. He smiled with dimly opalescent teeth of shadow wrath, signaling his understanding of the kindly automated recording. He sat back, satisfied, and ceased his affront against the spoken word.

I chose to spend the trip people watching out the bus window rather than talking to my seat companion.

Please don’t smoke.

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