March 21st, 2005 2 comments

Yay for vacation. Had Reesey up last week. We bebop’d around Boston and generally lounged about. It was good to take a break, and even better to see Reesey. Special thanks to my grandmother for lending me her Camry so I wouldn’t have to cart us around in my stinky yellow CRX all week.

In other news, I got another SVX. This one isn’t as “nice” as my last one in terms of physical condition. instead of feeling like a “new” car, it definitely feels “used”. BUT… it’s in great mechanical shape and has a couple things done to it I always wanted to do to the other one. Most important is the the hideously tall final drive ratio of all SVXs is 3.54. This one has been replaced with a ratio of 4.11. Car folks will note that as a significant change for a car as heavy as the SVX. For the non-car-folks, that basically means my car is quicker around town but will run at about 500 RPMs higher on the highway. She has a few electrical gremlins, but I’m already sorting them out. it should be a-ok in no time. which leaves the paint. she wicked needs a paint job. I’ll be calling the guys that did Sean’s rally car.

I’m on days this week. this means I get to operate on normal human hours, but also means I have to be up at the asscrack of dawn. demi-w00t.

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March 8th, 2005 3 comments

it was a nice day out yesterday. Warm and such. Kittens and bunnies were frolicking in the fields.

As such, I decided to leave the windows in my car open a crack to let all the happy warm niceness in.


I’ll let you fill in the blanks.

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March 5th, 2005 2 comments

…and thus ends my first week of night shifts. Oddly enough I’m more exhausted today than the previous nights, even though I got more sleep before my shift (incl a bonus afternoon nap) than the other nights. No matter. I now become comatose.


also, ::zombie::

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March 3rd, 2005 11 comments

(00:21:29) iggdawg555: I’m not wearing pants
(00:21:38) danocronopolis: that’s a damned lie
(00:21:56) iggdawg555: there are lies, damned lies, and statistics. and there’s 90% chance that I’m not wearing pants.
(00:22:12) danocronopolis: lord, why couldn’t he have been the king of pants?
(00:22:37) iggdawg555: my pants and legs are a quantum pant-leg superposition. until you observe my pants, I’m not actually wearing them
(00:22:44) danocronopolis: pinegreex
(00:22:53) iggdawg555: indeed. point taken.


For reference, I was wearing pants. It was a ruse.

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March 2nd, 2005 No comments

Welp… It’s 4am on my first night working 3rd shift at the new job. So far I like it. There’s enough busywork to keep me on my toes, but not so much that I get too swept up. I’m sure it’ll get busy sometimes, but this is a good nominal level. The attitude of “do whatever the fuck as long as shit gets pushed out on time” is very much my flavor too. The coworkers are very cool so far. I’ve absorbed a bunch and I’m starting to get the hang of working the systems. Methinnks I’ll like it here.

For those I haven’t mentioned it to, I’m working at Dimension Data. We basically babysit and troubleshoot other peoples’ networks and telecom. They’re paying me a bundle more than Sonoscan, and it’s much more my flavor of work. I’m on the night shift for a few months, and we’ll see where it goes from there. This may impact my WoW time, but I’ll find a way to deal =P. Oh, and I don’t work mondays =D. so yeah… I’m a professional geek again.

anyways… that’s my “I’m not dead” update.

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February 21st, 2005 No comments


Last day of Bob.

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mmm… healthy

February 18th, 2005 6 comments

My sternum keeps cracking today. It feels really weird when it does. I think I need a new host body.

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February 17th, 2005 4 comments

BigKat reigns supreme over regular KitKat. Although the lesser KitKat presents itself in a throng of KitKatlings, their combined might does not match the diety-like greatness of the BigKat.

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February 16th, 2005 6 comments


My ass hurts.

I went to the gym at UCF when I was down in FL over the weekend. I haven’t used a leg press machine in a LONG time. I do leg extensions and curls at my gym, but the press works different muscles. My ass and thighs are killing me. It’s that good sort of pain that lets you know you were working hard enough… but it still sucks every time I have to get up =P.

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February 11th, 2005 11 comments

So… Dan0 and I are looking for a new apartment since the rent at this place is going to be raised in july to an amount somewhere around $Texas. We’re looking in the Newton-ish area. A lot of these places have “all utilities included”. For a normal person with normal living habits, this is not a dangerous offer. But when a geek hears the words “Utilities included”, his brain processes it to “You may run all your machines at once if you’d like”. Assuming the wiring in the building can handle it, running all my servers at once would be interesting. Just my segment of the network has about 2500-3000 watts worth of computer power supplies. The one “end table” server counts as an electric heater too…

(Upon Seth, Amy, and I coming to my apartment to watch a video)
Me: “Damn, it’s hot in here”
Amy: “Why don’t you turn the heat off?”
Me: “We haven’t turned the heat on yet this year. It’s just that my “big” server has been running for a couple days.”

Seriously… people need to think before they offer up free electricity.

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