October 13th, 2004 No comments

Started watching Twin Peaks the other day. Dan0’s been getting the series via NetFlix. I have to say that so far it’s pretty damn interesting. Funny and creepy at the same time. The line between the two is often blurry too. I’ve only seen the first two episodes so far. Looking forward to the rest. I think I saw some of the series “back in the day”, but I don’t remember any of it.

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October 11th, 2004 3 comments

It was an interesting weekend.

As I mentioned, I went up to NH to work a road rally. dr_death35 picked me up in his RX-8 at around 11-ish and we headed “up noath” to meet up with the rest of the guys working the rally. We met up at a Jillian’s and played some pool while we waited for the workers to trickle in. We got to the first checkpoint we’d be running at around 6-ish. We worked checkpoints till around 11, and the race ended at midnight. it was a very successful event from everything I gather.

I got to do some “spirited driving” in Brian’s RX-8. The car is wonderful. for all the driving we did, we almost never heard the tires squeel. it’s a very stable machine. Took a while to get used to the clutch and the ratios, but it was a ton of fun to drive.

We slept up there at Casa de James, and spent most of the next day playing this crazy game called Katamari. it’s this crazy game where you roll around and collect stuff, making your “ball o junk” bigger… it’s very strange but really cool.

anyways… that’s the short “LJ” version… good weekend.

EDIT – there *may be* cockpit vids of some of the driving if any car-folk are interested. Email me if you want a linky to them. I’d post it up, but I have very little bandwidth from my home server to go around. keep in mind it was ~11 at night on boonie back roads in the middle of a road rally. don’t try this at home, kids.

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October 9th, 2004 1 comment

I’m Going up to NH today to work the “Trunkmonkey Midnight Run” TSD rally. It’s the first event that has our team’s name attached to it. to my knowledge at least. It’s also one of the first events I’ve worked in a long time. Sure I’d rather drive, but it seems that requires a car worth driving =D. I’m perfectly happy to work and spectate. Just getting out there will give me a change of pace I need quite a bit.

The race itself is 7:00PM to midnight… so it looks like a late night. works for me. Hopefully I’ll be able to snap some pics before it gets too dark.

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October 6th, 2004 No comments

Its getting cold out again. You know what that means…

Time to switch the trunkmonkey from ale to stout.

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September 27th, 2004 5 comments

I’ll have to say that cleaning rust and/or exhaust gasket flakes out of the eyes with a cotton swab has to be one of the least pleasant parts of doing exhaust work. Possibly topped only by cleaning out the rest of this stuff the next morning when REM sleep weasels it to the corner of the eye from whatever recess of the socket it was hiding.

Of course this time all that was topped by the fact that my SVX is now twice as embarassingly loud as it was due to the wrong seals having been sent. I need to kill my “fuck it, I’ll make it work with what I’ve got” reflex.

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September 18th, 2004 3 comments

Holy crap…. I had heard about this but didn’t know how bad it was till I saw it in person… I just saw the cover of Time magazine whilst in line at Starbucks. I couldn’t stop laughing. Everyone else in line wanted to know what was so funny, but I could do nothing but wave them off between chuckles. Apparently nobody at Time has ever used the internet.

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September 18th, 2004 No comments

Stupid body. I got up at 6 this morning. by default. with no alarm clock. Even though I was up till 2 reading. so I fell back asleep and “slept in” till 8. BAH!!!

EDIT – I suppose the lightning may have had something to do with it. stupid hurricaine. who knew it’d make for such bad weather =/ .

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September 14th, 2004 3 comments

“Very few things in this world upset me more than…” (and derivatives thereof) is an expression I use a lot to describe something which I’m not terribly fond of. There are some times when I mean it in the most literal sense.

Very few things in the world piss me the fuck off like getting conflicting orders from two different bosses who can’t be bothered to communicate with eachother. It makes it worse when I mention to boss A (Bob) that I’ve already been instructed to do something a certain way by Boss B (Ray, Bob’s boss) and I’m told to go ahead and do it a different way anyways. So next time my data gets reviewd by Ray, He’ll tell me I’m doing it wrong. Yet I can’t expect to leave for the day if my reports aren’t up to Bob’s standards. In either case, someone will be pissed at me and that’s not at fucking all ok with me. I’m more than happy to follow a set of standards as long as I’m informed when it’s changing, and as long as those changes are globally recognized.

I can tolerate a very large catalogue of idiocies, but this is one of the few things that really gets me genuinely upset in the professional world. At least Ray had a good objective reason for his opinion. Bob just says “do it this way becaus ethat’s the way I think it should be.”

ATTN: Bob – Die in a fire.

(please forgive the grammatical butchering. I’m really quite upset.)

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September 12th, 2004 8 comments

My windows box ate itself today. Apparently there’s a bug in SP2 that makes it hang on “agp440.sys” or something like that when booting. even in safe mode. When I popped in the windows cd to repair it, it went all “mad cow disease” on my hard drive and destroyed a huge number of random files. Anyone that’s seen what mad cow disease does to the poor things’ brains knows what I’m talking about. This is including the entire “my pictures” directory. Took out a large portion of my documents and software storage places too. more rambling and the solution under the cut.


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September 11th, 2004 4 comments

how’s this for random….

If you do a google image search for “IggDawg”, the only result that comes up is this picture. Which, oddly enough, is not of me at all. It’s of my good friend Damien and his fiancee Yoshi. He’s in the Navy, stationed in Japan. The other odd thing is that the page the pic is “embedded” in is the “show latest thread” link for NASIOC off topic. at any given moment it doesn’t have this pic in it or reference my name at all.

I b0rkd the intarw3b.

Tangent: Best wishes to Damien and Yoshi. The engagement is fairly recent, and I hope they do very well together. They make an awesome couple.

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