August 13th, 2004 5 comments

Went to the gym for the first time in forever yesterday. My back finally feels like it’s completely healed, so I figured it was time to beat the crap outa the ol mortal coil. Of course I overextended myself, but that which does not kill me…. well… hurts like a motherfucker the next day for sure. I did front, upper back, biceps, and legs yesterday. I’ll do back, triceps, shoulders, and legs again today. bike/orbital every day. lather, rinse, repeat. Every muscle in my body should be aching quite nicely by the time sunday rolls… and I have a full day of paintball to play.

This gym (the one in my apartment place) is really nice… very well laid out, TVs on swivel mounts in front of the hamster-class machines (treadmills, etc), stereo system built into the walls/cieling, even a poland springs cooler… all around a great setup. 2 things I don;t like about it are that there is no “proper” arm curl machine and no machines that work the abs. meh.

In other news, we lost power this morning. and by “we” I mean the whole surrounding area. no street lights even. Totally killed my uptime. Thankfully my brain is trained to get up between 7:30a and 8:00a regardless of when I fall asleep (which is usually around 3:00a or so =D), alarm clock or not. great on weekdays, not so hot on weekends.

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August 12th, 2004 4 comments

Primary w00t: Could be getting a nice happy IT sector job soon if everything pans out well. Network admin/ user support with the potential to work netowrk security (which is what I’d really like to do). This would mean work I actually enjoy, as well as a nice boost in pay. Still up in the air, but the outlook is… ::shakes magic 8-ball::… what? “outlook foggy”? what kind of crap is this?! useless POS magic 8-ball…

also, working on my resumee would be so much easier if my boss (Bob v3.0) didn’t work in the same office as me =/

Secondary w00t: my paycheck appears to have come 3 days early…. eeeeeeexcellent…

Tertiary w00t: well, nothing yet really… I just wanted to say “tertiary”

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August 11th, 2004 Enter your password to view comments.

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August 10th, 2004 No comments

Absolutely outstanding news:

NASA finally got the green light to repair hubble.

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August 6th, 2004 5 comments

WIN: I won at poker night (hold ’em) last night for the first time in a long time. the last hand was the one that put me over the top. My pair of twos beat the other guy’s ace. yeah, it was getting pretty bad near the end. anyways… it was a fun way to turn $10 into $20.

Also, Bob is out today so I have the whole place (both rooms!!!) all to myself to slack and be generally unproductive as I please. we have mostly large time-consuming parts, so for once my slacking is justified.

LOSE: I went to my pocket to review my cash situation, as I was going to indulge in some sort of overpriced coffee as a result of my winnings (see previous section labeled “win”). There was nothing in my pants but what God put there. This meaning… no wallet. That’s what happend when you leave in a rush. Which is what happens when you “lie down for a second” after the morning shower. A quick review of my situatuion revealed that my gas needle on the big mean “E” and no food in my stomach. Between how many miles I have left on this tank and the change in my coin holder (+1 humble points) I should be able to make it home. Luckily since its friday, the conference room will be stocked with vile donuts to keep me going for the day. please note the ironic use of “luckily”. it’s very clever.

EDIT: Day rapidly turning further to LOSE. Bob showed up at work. And if that wasn’t bad enough, she brought The Plague(tm) with her. the same lovely critter that kep her out from work yesterday. I guess she thought she’d come in and share the love. She’s leaking like a sieve out of every oriface and looks generally “less than fresh”. She best not get me sick. um… or else. yeah.

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August 4th, 2004 No comments

I’m not so much surprised that I got NAT and routing to work on my FreeBSD server… but at how crazy simple it was. I kept looking over the handbook thingy trying to figure it all out, when I suddenly realized I’d had it setup properly for the longest time… “well, why can’t I just plug the damn thing in?” so I did. and I’m now listening to internet radio on my windows PC thorugh the server I’m posting this from. to *nix gurus this will sound like cake, but it’s new to me and I’m tickled.

To boot, I installed and got a sound card running on the same BSD box last night. I’m 2 for 2.

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August 1st, 2004 7 comments

I was supposed to go to the Maine Forest Rally this weekend. Sean was supposed to run for the first time in a SCCA Club Rally, and I was going to work service for his car. He couldn’t run couldn’t because of an unfortunate *oversight* by his cage designer. I was going to go up and spectate anyways, but a combination of money and timing made it sometime I’ll have to do another day. The roommate, , just got back and showed me all the pics from the rally. looks like it was a damn good time. I’m definitely going to have to make it up to the Great North Woods rally. I have to race again sometime soon too. at this rate, it’ll be ice racing season again before I wrap red tape around 12 o’clock on my steering wheel.

My fallback plan was to make it to Irreverence. Basically the whole playlist was people I wanted pretty badly to see, and meet actually. Epsilon Minus, Boole, Stromkern, Null Device, and Stochastic Theory are the ones I was mainly interested in. Great artists, and real charecters to boot. I’m sure the show was fucking stellar, and I’ll have to make it out to the next one with a lineup like that come hell or high water. but this time, the money thing came to bear. so that was off the list too.

So I had thursday through sunday off and nothing to do with myself. On thursday, I slept. a lot. I woke up at 2, ran some errands, watched a bunch of episodes of “The Maxx” and was out again by 6. woke up at midnight and then back out again. making up for lost time I suppose. the rest of the time, friday through….. now, has been very much needed relaxation. I thought it’d suck to have nothing to do during my quasi-vacation, but it was just what I needed. With the roommate gone, kept me company a lot of the time on IM. besides being delightful to talk to, she shares the same tendancy as I have to be wide awake at 2am..

time for some more hardcore video game slacking before Monday comes.

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July 27th, 2004 5 comments

There’s something to be said for “stage zero” of defensive driving. that being the set of actions done to avoid a dangerous situation before any actual defensive driving is neccecary.

so I cut this guy’s balls off…

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July 26th, 2004 2 comments

Even though I’m only moderately satisfied with my job and not at all happy with my prospective career path, there’s something undeniably satisfying about signing my own cover letters on the technical reports I write. Anyone who’s ever had to be a lab tech/peon and has gotten to a rank where they can sign cover letters knows this feeling. It’s something I’ll miss if/when I leave the field.

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The shit you learn in the boy scouts…..

July 22nd, 2004 No comments

I rolled a natural 20 against my lockpick skill this morning. I’d locked my keys in my office last night. don’t ask how, I just did. So I had no way to get in and finish up the work I told my boss that I did yesterday =D. she’s not in till tomorrow so I still have time to get it all done. Anyways… I got lucky, Dano had a set of lockpicks. I’d tried to pick the lock last night with some paperclips and a set of tweezers. seems the proper tools were all it took. It sprung open in under 30 seconds. That’s my story… Off to some frantic report writing.

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