Ninja by mistake

April 19th, 2008 1 comment

I had a savant moment just now at work. I fixed this one device by adding a line in its running configuration that wasn’t there before because it “looked right”. I can’t explain my reason for adding the line, I’ve never messed with that part of a router’s config before. I don’t know exactly why it fixed it. It wasn’t till after I had done it and was writing an email to the customer that I realized I had no idea why I’d made the change, it just “made sense” while I was doing it. I’m not sure whether it’s a good sign or a bad sign… I’d certainly rather have a clue but I guess I’ll take any flavor of success.

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.

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April 6th, 2008 4 comments

So I’ve been going to the gym for a few months now. Just doing 45 mins to an hour after work at either my work gym or the one at the clubhouse back home. For the past 2 weeks though I’ve been going with Jay since we’ve been carpooling (he works at the company whose building we lease space from). Usually we’re there for at least 2 hours, going with him has really stepped up my routine. I always work out harder if I have someone to pace with. Lemme tell ya… “ow”. But also “damn”. That kid knows his shit, and it’s paying off already after just a couple weeks.

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.

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March 23rd, 2008 4 comments

Happy zombie-Jesus day everyone! And Easter as well if you celebrate that. I hope you all have a good time with your respective families, and that your parents still get you jelly beans and shit. Because let’s face it, jelly beans are awesome no matter how old you are, even if you have to hunt down little plastic eggs to amuse your parents. Everybody wins!

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.

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March 21st, 2008 10 comments

Guess who’s getting a promotion? That’s right… this guy. It’s sort of only a title promotion (“Tier 2” of my current position), but not at all really. I say that because I don’t think there’s any pay raise at all, but I get to do a lot more cool shit. Right now I push a lot of bullshit trash and send anything interesting to the engineers. Now I’ll be tackling a lot of that stuff myself. Basically it’s a trust promotion, they give me access to a lot more and let me put my fingers in a lot of places the rest of the front line isn’t allowed to. Plus I get much higher visibility to management and the customers. Good times.

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.

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March 19th, 2008 6 comments

New season of Beauty and the Geek started recently . I greatly dislike reality TV, but this show is host to some of the most hilarious comments and most awkward social interactions. Watching the 2 most opposite ends of society crammed into close quarters is too good to pass up. Comedy gold.

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.

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March 8th, 2008 No comments

I don’t usually post video either (Sup, Bri). But this vid has been playing relentlessly on the channel we have on at work today. I don’t know what’s so amusing about it. Something about watching a viking sing Greensleeves

I guess ever since Matt introduced me to Amon Amarth, anything viking related has been funnier to me than usual.

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.

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Not quite alphabet blocks

February 13th, 2008 3 comments

I found this on the interwubs

It’s cut down on my productivity quite a bit, and my AIM friends seem to like it. So I’m releasing it to you lucky people. Originally stumbled from . I mirrored it to save him the bandwidth.

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.

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My BFF Jill strikes again, IRL

February 2nd, 2008 2 comments

We use AIM at work for internal communications quite a bit. We do this not only for the sake of convenience, but because cut/pasting ticket or device information is a lot easier and more reliable than dictating it over the phone. I’ve noticed and interesting trend lately. A lot of the middle aged people talk on AIM as if they’re in highschool. I’ll get an IM from one of our engineers “Hi Ian, r u there?”. I want to slap them. I’m guessing it’s because “aim-speak” has been popularized along with the advent of the instant messenger itself (and text messaging as well in my opinion). So to someone for whom this is a relatively new innovation, they must think “this is just how people talk on IM”… Completely forgetting this is a workplace, and they are an adult speaking with another adult. It’s not really irritating as much as intriguing since these people are usually very professional when speaking or writing emails. it’s only on IM that they talk that way.

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.

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January 31st, 2008 1 comment

Love internet radio. A good friend of mine lives in Calgary. We’ll both be doing our own things in our own way, and randomly one of us will IM the other “dude, I love this track”, and the other replies “I know, man”. Then we’ll talk for a few minutes about it, and go on about our business. At X:YZ time of night we’re both usually listening to afterhours radio ( Various flavors of trance. It’s good lovin. Another favorite of mine is the synthpop stream over at . Either way, I love internet radio and can’t wait till they devise some scheme to get it into cars or portable music players of some flavor. I’ve seen what satellite radio has to offer and I’m not impressed. But get me and in some portable form and we’ll talk.

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.

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More like LOLatics

January 25th, 2008 2 comments

I was in an airport yesterday and, despite my best efforts, overheard a clip of a speech Obama was giving somewhere. He was rebutting against some sort of rumor that he was a Muslim, and stating he was brought up as a good and proper Christian of some flavor. At which point the audience cheers. If you’re a politician, have any faith you want. Faith isn’t a bad thing. But it has no place in a political setting. I shouldn’t know what faith a politician follows unless I do some digging and look it up. It’s a firm opinion of mine that faith and religion should not be allowed to be mentioned during a political campaign. Decisions that affect everyone in a city/state/country should never ever ever be brought about with influence from one’s faith or the faith of those it will affect. So electing someone should not have anything to do with their faith or yours. Yelling “Christianity!” in the deep south is like a rock band yelling “Boston!” when playing at the Garden (or whatever bank it is that owns it nowadays). You’re looking to buy votes with your faith. And that’s not cool. It degrades your platform, and (in my humble opinion) makes the voter’s ballot worthless.

I’m going to keep writing people in on my ballots until a candidate comes along who declares he’s an atheist, or never mentions religion at all. I want the decision maker I elect to make decisions based on what is best for the people, as decided by logic. This year my vote is split between Feynman (don’t care if he’s dead, I’d still pick him) or Cthulhu. I really can’t pick. Any feedback on this is appreciated.

PS – I know I’ll get some flak for not picking a real candidate, but I can’t pick among any of them in good conscience. Please do “bring it” though, it should be talked about imo.

Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.

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