This might be nerding out a little more than usual, but it’s also pretty awesome.
Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.
This might be nerding out a little more than usual, but it’s also pretty awesome.
Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.
I dont normally paste whole articles, but this one is pretty short. and pretty awesome. Sourced from http://dizzythinks.net/
Well I have to admit that this is genius. The guys from the Pirate Bay have a a 30million SEK fine which they say they won’t pay. However they have come up with a plan where all their users can join in which works like this.
Everyone sends a small amount of money in an electronic transfer to the law firm that represnted the music industry. Suggested amount is 1 SEK (equivalent to 0.13 USD. Apparently the law firm’s bank account is only allowed 1000 electronic transactions before it starts to cost them, the account holder money.
The charge per transfer at this point is, wait for it… 2 SEK. Thus after the first 1000 SEK, if people send just 1 SEK it will cost the law firm more than the money they receive to process.
Welcome to the Distributed Denial of Dollars attack (DDo$)
I’m going to stay on the fence about the legality of pirate bay and all that. But I’m firm in my contempt for how the big music and movie groups conduct themselves.
… Just sayin’
Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.
Found this random bit of awesome on the internet.
Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.
Stumbled on this a little earlier. At first it just looked like some kind of vintage computer book. I like those just from the standpoint of seeing what people back in the day thought stuff would be like now. Then I actually started reading it, and it’s been edited a little. It gets funnier as the pages go on. Content behind the cut.
Heard about this earlier today and finally got myself to check it out. Normally I don’t touch celebrity gossip, but this sounded funny. Apparently Lindsey Lohan made a spoof eharmony profile video for giggles. She may be batshit crazy and a train wreck of a human, but at least she can laugh at herself.
Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.
Saw this the other day on TV. Yes, it’s a legit commercial. I’d completely forgotten about it, but a coworker passed the link around the NOC. I think it might be a bit much for kids, but then I’ve only seen it aired late-ish on TV. It’s pretty awesome, especially if you’re ancient like me and you remember the original vid when it came out. Funny how controversial for one generation is commercial stock for another.
Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.
I normally could give two craps about celebrity news. But this guy isn’t really a celebrity per se, and he’s so shady that I can’t help myself. The “shamwow guy”, aka Vince Shlomi, airs commercials that reek so badly of scam that you feel the need to take a shower after watching them. Dry off with a regular towel though, kids… You’d probably catch something if you actually used a ShamWoW. Latest news on this lovable fellow is that apparently he’s been arrested for punching a prostitute in the face. Classy.
“Police reports obtained by the site claim that Shlomi met 26-year-old prostitute Lenea Harris at a Miami nightclub, and subsequently brought her back to his room at Setai Hotel. Shlomi allegedly paid Harris $1,000 for “straight sex.”
That’s went things took a turn.
Shlomi told police “that he kissed [Harris] when all of a sudden [Harris] bit his tongue and would not let go,” according to the report.
Shlomi then punched Harris several times until she released his tongue…”
Full article: Clicky
For your viewing pleasure:
Click for full sized and obviously NWS image:
Shamwow and Slap-Chop ads:
Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.
This vid has been floating around the net getting great reviews for a month or so, but I recently stumbled it again and it was just as cool as the first time I watched it. So I thought I’d share. For the non-nerds, it’s a brief and enjoyable (no kidding, it’s actually pretty cool) history of the internet. Anyone that has a little curiosity about the world around them will probably like it, it’s not a pile of jargon. For the nerds it’s just fun to watch… Lore is a big part of geekdom. The fit and finish on it is top notch. The embedded vid is pretty good, but it’ll probably look better on the host site. Enjoy, let me know what you think.
Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.
The stairway of the condo I live in has been in need of a little decoration for a while. In a moment of genius, my roommate Matt commissioned a mural of Red Robot. It took the artist a while to get it done, but it’s pretty awesome. Matt and his new staircase:
Most people relatively familiar with the internets will recognize it right away. The rest… well… probably don’t read my blog. And I have it on good authority that they’ll be among the first to perish when Red Robot starts dominating.
Originally published at The IggBlog. You can comment here or there.
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